Antigua and Barbuda: COVID-19 coronavirus update 

Antigua and Barbuda: COVID-19 coronavirus update 
Antigua and Barbuda: COVID-19 coronavirus update 
Written by Linda Hohnholz


The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority continues to keep abreast of the latest developments related to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and would like to assure travelers that precautionary measures are being implemented to guard against further spread of the virus within the destination.

Antigua and Barbuda (A&B) has one confirmed case of Coronavirus.  The individual is currently in self-isolation at home in Antigua and is being monitored. All identifiable contacts that this person has had, are being investigated.

A&B remains open for travelers. However, foreign nationals (including passengers and crew) who have traveled to China, Italy, Iran, Japan, Korea and Singapore the past twenty-eight (28) days, will be not be permitted entry into Antigua and Barbuda. Citizens of Antigua and Barbuda as well as resident diplomats will be allowed entry.

Several precautionary measures have also been put in place including educational campaigns at hotels, with a focus on identifiable prevention, preparation and identification tips. The general public and travelers are reminded to take general measures against becoming ill, which includes regular hand-washing, good cough and sneeze etiquette, social distancing and avoidance of sick persons.

The national multi-sectoral COVID-19 task force established by the Government of A&B continues to meet regularly, to assess all international and regional developments related to COVID-19.

For more information and updates on COVID-19 and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda’s response go to: .

The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and the Environment publicly refuted a rumor of six confirmed cases of COVID-19 in hotels in Antigua and Barbuda. As of Friday, March 13, 2020, the island had reported one confirmed case of COVID-19.

The ministry reiterated it is in the process of taking additional samples that will be sent the CARPHA and will update the public of the results. The Ministry is also working the Pan American Health Organization to have COVID-19 testing on island.

About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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