WTD 2023: Tour Operators Union of Ghana Support “Green Investments”

Brief News Update
Written by Binayak Karki

On World Tourism Day 2023, the Tour Operators Union of Ghana has strongly supported the theme “Tourism and Green Investments.”

The theme is not only a celebration but a call to action, emphasizing the importance of sustainable tourism in Ghana’s future according to the Union. As representatives of the tourism industry, they urge the government and stakeholders to take essential steps to harness the potential of green investments in tourism, given its significant contribution to Ghana’s GDP.

The Union sees this transition as imperative for the sustainable growth of the sector.

The Tour Operators Union of Ghana (TOUGHA) is the body representing tour operators in the country.

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About the author

Binayak Karki

Binayak - based in Kathmandu - is an editor and author writing for eTurboNews.

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