Traveling Abroad? How to Avoid Becoming a Crime Victim

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image courtesy of Silke from Pixabay
Written by Linda Hohnholz

Are you concerned about becoming a crime victim during your next trip abroad? If so, there’s good news.

Even if your journey includes a few stops in unsafe areas, there is plenty you can do to avoid being victimized. That’s because there are all sorts of commonsense ways to protect yourself and your belongings when traveling overseas or in Canada or Mexico. One tactic many travelers don’t immediately think about is making advance payment for things like hotels, plane tickets, cruise fares, tour packages, and more.

Other effective strategies to maximize trip safety include knowing where and how to store personal possessions while out and about, leaving expensive jewelry at home, never walking late at night, not engaging in illegal activities, avoiding invitations to private homes unless you personally know the host, and joining a tour group. Of course, there are more ways to avoid crime, but those are the simplest, most potent approaches. Here are pertinent details you should review before departing.

Get a Personal Loan and Pay for Major Expenses in Advance

Fortunately, it’s possible to apply for a personal loan that covers most or all your travel costs. This technique goes a long way toward not only saving money but also offering increased safety. First, those who don’t have enough cash to pay for an entire international vacation can score discounts on lodging and transportation by paying several months ahead of time. Plus, a well-financed excursion means not having to carry lots of cash or credit cards. When hotel rooms, flights, ship fares, and tour fees are already taken care of, the need for travelers’ checks and high-limit plastic is minimal. There’s also the expense of purchasing a few personal safety and self-defense products, like body wallets and pepper spray. However, always check local laws in your destination country to make sure self-defense sprays, batons, canes, and other implements are legal. If they’re not, don’t carry them.

Know Where to Store Money and Credit Cards

Rule One of international travel is to be aware of scams and never carry a wallet or purse as you would under normal circumstances. Buy and use a body wallet, which is a strapped carrier that wraps around the torso and suspends either a small wallet or collapsible bag just below the center of the chest. Pickpocketers, who are part of the scenery in port cities of Asia and Africa, can’t get your credit cards, cash, passport, or other important items stored in a body wallet.

Leave Valuables at Home

Don’t bring expensive jewelry or other costly items with you unless it’s necessary to do so. If you want to give them as gifts, mail them ahead of time. The favored targets for thieves include watches, rings, necklaces, and earrings. So, leave the good stuff in your jewelry box or safe at home, and bring the less valuable items along to wear on fun nights out at dance clubs, theaters, or restaurants.

Avoid Walking Alone at Night

In many Asian countries, like Japan and Korea, it’s generally okay to walk alone in the evening. However, just to be on the safe side, a good rule is to never do so while in a foreign country. If you must go out on foot after dark, bring someone along and carry legal self-defense items with you. Always let someone in your party know where you’re going and the intended route.

Don’t Engage in Illegal Activity

Don’t break the laws of the places you visit. That includes taking part in activities like using, buying, possessing, carrying, or selling drugs. Many African, Asian, and European nations have strict regulations that can mean an almost instant jail sentence or huge fine for running afoul of drug laws. If the police don’t get you, someone else might. Domestic criminals routinely set up tourists by getting them to transport drugs or other banned substances. Additionally, stay out of restricted zones and never take artifacts, animals, or plants out of a country without express authorization, preferably in writing. Far too many travelers ignore local laws and end up being victims of crime or the legal system.

Consider Joining a Tour Group

Some balk at the idea of signing up for a group tour of Mexico, Europe, Africa, or elsewhere. However, there are some pretty impressive advantages for those who do. Aside from significant savings on airfare and lodging, groups offer a high degree of personal security. For travelers who stick with their companions, the chances of falling victim to a violent crime or theft are extremely low. In fact, many elderly people join up with tours for the sole reason of increased safety.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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