Sir James R. Mancham: Creolization in the future world

The recent issue of International Kreol Magazine which is published in London to promote the Creole phenomena worldwide, in its issue No.

The recent issue of International Kreol Magazine which is published in London to promote the Creole phenomena worldwide, in its issue No. 13, a long article has been written on Seychelles’ founding President Sir James R. Mancham, describing him as a “true global citizen.”

The article elaborated on Mr. Mancham’s background and his political career which led him to become finally the first elected President of the Republic of Seychelles and quoting several pieces from Sir James’s recent book SEYCHELLES – The saga of a small nation navigating the cross-currents of a big world.

What is perhaps of great interest and importance at this time is Sir James’s view of the increasing international role of Creolization in the world.

It is interesting to note what Sir James said when asked how Seychelles can promote itself as a great Creole nation –

“Creolization is a sample of the world to come. As far as I am concerned President Obama is not a black man nor a white man. He is indeed a Creole. His international standing has certainly enhanced the value of La Créolite in the future world. History has seen to it that the Seychelles is now spearheading the role of island nations in asserting its contribution to international development. Considering that the Seychellois is basically a Creole nation, Seychelles can pursue the role of becoming le Capital de la Créolite.

After all, it has already acquired a reputation for its annual Creole Festival. Indeed we can be a bridge between all skin colours, races and cultures by showing that all of us can live together with a minimum of prejudices. We should be proud of the fact that within a Seychellois family you can find a little daughter looking like a European, a son looking like an African, and a big brother looking like an Asian. In my view this constitutes a sample of the world to come. Certainly sex appeal is beyond the fact of colour or race. That is why there is an increasing number of café au lait people in the world today.

As a matter of fact Creolisation has already started to make an impact in the UK. If you go there and watch its television so many of its speakers and presenters appear to have a Caribbean background. You also see the situation emerging in the fashion and modelling industry. Of course there is no action without a reaction but with the Creole people becoming more and more educated and ambitious you could see them playing a greater and greater role in liberal societies.

Many European nations are showing zero population growth because they are not in favour of large families. It is possible that the Creole people could eventually constitute a cohesion that could counter balance the increasing number of people in India and China. It may take many more years for Creolisation to maximise its international impact but what is taking place today certainly indicates that the number of Creole people will continue and continue to grow.”

The London-based Kreol Magazine is edited by Georgina Dhillon and according to its website – “Kreol Magazine is dedicated to promoting the Creole culture across Creole-speaking countries and beyond. The lively music, creative dances, interpretive arts, rich language, honoured traditions and wealth of knowledge of Creole people will be shared and celebrated, linking Creole cultures together.

Kreol Magazine will feature role models, spotlighting accomplished individuals who have demonstrated success in personal character and industry. You will meet Creole individuals who shine as examples locally and globally, lifting up the profile of Creole people for the entire world to recognise, honour and applaud.

Kreol Magazine will highlight important environmental issues that are so dear to our region. Articles will examine the utilisation of our natural resources, such as protecting our ecology while respectfully making the most of the beauty of Creole-speaking countries through ecotourism.”

Sir James and Lady Mancham are actually in Florence, Italy, attending the wedding ceremony of Justin and Lana Etsin. Mr Etsin is of course the Seychelles’ General Consul in New York City, and has built over recent years a huge reputation as a property developer and visionary entrepreneur. Also attending the ceremonies is Ambassador Barry Faure (Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and his spouse.

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    About the author

    Linda Hohnholz

    Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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