The Giants and Pillars of Tourism in Africa

Written by Dmytro Makarov

Cuthbert Ncube and Alain St.Ange, two African Tourism Board leaders have been recognized by Uganda as Giants and Pillars of African Tourism at the just conclude Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo (POATE) 2024 trade event.

It was Africa Day on May 25, and at the same time, the Uganda Tourism Board concluded its successful Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo (POATE) 2024 trade event.

The Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo (POATE) is an annual tourism and travel trade show that is organized by the Uganda Tourism Board. Each year, the expo brings together tourism value chain actors and stakeholders under the business-to-business and business-to-consumer formats, for networking opportunities.

Among those exhibiting was also long-year contributor and eTurboNews Uganda Correspondent Tony Ofungi. He is also the owner of one of the leading Uganda Tour Operators Maleng Travel. eTurboNews has been hosting Maleng Travel on its web server for some time.

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, president of the ICTP and head of SunX Malta, and a long-time friend of eTurboNews and essential in the success of the World Tourism Network is seen on the TV screen at Maleng Travel stand. The photo also shows Julian Katz, SKAL Uganda, and Tony Ofungi.

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The Giants and Pillars of Tourism in Africa

The Uganda Tourism Board surprised delegates attending a packed trade dinner for the Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo (POATE) 2024 on Friday night. The dinner, sponsored by Uganda Airlines a the Ndere Cultural Center in Kampala had a special surprise recognizing African Tourism Board executives.

UTB CEO Lilly Ajarova called three ‘Tourism Veterans’ to walk on stage to be recognized & honored.

The Giants of Tourism for Africa

She recognized three Giants and Pillars of Tourism in Africa. She also recognized the African Tourism Board, officially launched at the World Travel Market in Capetown in 2019 by eTN Publisher Juergen Steinmetz and former minister of tourism for Seychelles Alain St. Ange at the World Travel Market in Africa.

Lily attended the ATB launch in 2019 and she stayed involved in the African Tourism Board ever since.

Five years she showed her appreciation when she honored two African Tourism Board (ATB) giants yesterday.

  • Cuthbert Ncube, Executive Chairman of the African Tourism Board
  • Alain St. Ange, former President of the African Tourism Board

UTB also honored Ikechi Uko of Akwaaba African Travel Market, (ATB). 

Ikechi in a message issued said “Massive recognition to share the same space with my Oga St. Ange”.

“Congratulations Alain and Cuthbert, and thank you, Lilly. This recognition is well deserved, and I am so proud of you two. “

Juergen Steinmetz commented from Honolulu
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The Giants and Pillars of Tourism in Africa

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Dmytro Makarov

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