Violent Protests in Ecuador just changed into a Street Party

Tourists in Ecuador received emergency messages from their embassies last week. Sunday night violent protests in Ecuador were turning into a party after the Ecuadorean government reached a deal with indigenous activists. Earlier the Ecuador president and indigenous leaders sat down for televised negotiations amid ongoing protests.

The result was an end to the 11 days of violent protests. Leaders confirmed he would withdraw a presidential decree that scraps fuel subsidies and replace it with a new one. President Lenín Moreno hailed the agreement as “a solution for peace and for the country”.

Fireworks as medical personnel combine into the round dance and street party with “the protesters” which as we all know by now, are the working-class people of Ecuador.

Earlier the safety and security situation in Ecuador went out of hand, triggering foreign embassies to issue updates to ensure their citizen’s safety on an hourly basis.

Pope Francis was appealing for peace in Ecuador following a day of attacks on government buildings and media offices that prompted a curfew.

Francis issued the appeal Sunday also in the name of all the bishops of the Amazon, including from Ecuador. They are in Rome to discuss church efforts to better minister to the region’s indigenous people.

Francis said: “I share the sorrow for the dead, wounded and missing. I encourage efforts for social peace, with particular attention paid to the most vulnerable people, to the poor and to human rights.”

Violent Protests in Ecuador change into

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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