Thailand tourism: Happiness was on the streets of Bangkok today

Written by Linda Hohnholz

Thailand may have had political challenges, but the new leadership, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), demonstrated their big commitment for Thailand to remain a welcoming country for wo

Thailand may have had political challenges, but the new leadership, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), demonstrated their big commitment for Thailand to remain a welcoming country for world tourism. This big commitment is important for the current Thai military government to communicate to the world of tourism and the global media.

To demonstrate this to Thais, visitors and the travel and tourism industry, the Happiness Street Festival in Bangkok today and yesterday took place with top performers from Thailand and a party only Thailand could deliver.

Thailand wanted and needed to get this message of a happy smiling people out to the world. Thailand remains a very unique destination and is special for many seasoned travelers everywhere in world.

Attended by 900 media representatives from Thailand and around the world, the Happiness Street Festival was opened by Admiral Narong Pipatanasai, Commander-in-Chief at the Royal Thai Navy and present also was the Deputy Chief of the NCPO in charge of overseeing tourism affairs.

The Admiral stressed in his opening address that tourism was essential to the country’s happiness.

“We look at tourism not only from the point of generating revenue. Above all, tourism is bringing happiness to our people. Thailand is known to be a nation of happy people.

Our citizens truly enjoy making our guests feel like home, assist and serve them only and at the same time generate income for our tourism industry, for those working in the industry, their families, and of course our economy”, said Admiral Narong Pipatanasai.

The NCPO will continue to assure that tourism flourishes and brings prosperity to the Thai people.

“We instructed the police to bring back confidence to our visitors by improving the safety in the country. We hope that by feeling safe and confident, Thailand will increasingly be a first choice of destination for tourists and business travelers alike”, added the NCPO Deputy Chief.

Since taking power in May, many actions have been implemented to improve the tourism experience for anyone visiting the kingdom.

Happiness Thailand Event Bangkok
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The NCPO is now strictly regulating taxis at airports as well as in cities, like Phuket.

Authorities are preventing unlicensed street handlers to operate, and clear the pavement for tourists and other pedestrians, so they can enjoy the city.

The Thai Tourist police received training to be more pro-active and in addition the military positioned in public spaces has been instructed to help travelers if needed.

More initiative are due to be implemented over time.

The Happiness Street Festival in the main Bangkok commercial centre in Rachaprasong today and yesterday was just a first step of confidence building in tourism.

Bangkok is known as the city of happiness- and it clearly showed today and yesterday. Assuring international visitors and media that the tourism industry is functioning well, Thai people are excited to welcome foreign guests.

Sometimes misunderstood by the world, the current authorities needed to get the message out,that they are doing everything for Thailand to remain a safe and happy destination. It appears this message came across well and may be a new door opener to encourage tourists to visit Thailand.

Even through the recent crisis Thailand enjoys millions of visitors every year.

Thailand remains a truly amazing travel destination, and everyone that attended this event must have been impressed.

The party is still going on, but the message already reads: Amazing Thailand is alive and well.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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