North and South Korea unification: Lunch in Pyongyang today may be a giant step


It started with sports and tourism when the two Korea’s tried to communicate and cooperate. Today is another historic day in the unification process between the two divided Koreas. Almost overlooked by a number of the global news networks South Korean president

It started with sports and tourism when the two Koreas tried to communicate and cooperate. Today is another historic day in the unification process between the two divided Koreas, and this news was almost overlooked by a number of global news networks.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s airplane, with a 200-member delegation, left Seongnam Air Base at 8:55 a.m. to fly a non-stop route via the West Sea. The plane is set to arrive in Pyongyang at around 10 a.m. or 9 p.m. EST.

Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea and is also known as DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). This is the third inter-Korean summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

To understand the significance of this event, one only has to look back at what happened between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. There are many similarities unfolding in Korea, making today a key day.

In what appears to be an authoritative-level article in Rodong Sinmun on September 15, Pyongyang has strongly reasserted its commitment to a new relationship with the US and to the process of denuclearization. Cast as criticism of “US conservative politicians,” the article can also be read as an attack on opponents within the North. No doubt as it is intended to do, the article gives Kim Jong-un more space to maneuver in dealing with the US and with South Korea, especially in the upcoming summit with ROK President Moon Jae-in.

State-controlled North Korea media reported: “When our respected and beloved supreme commander met a South Korean special delegation a while ago, he clearly stated again that it is our resolute position and his own will to completely remove the risk of armed clash and the fear of war from the Korean Peninsula and make this land a peaceful place without nuclear weapons or nuclear threat.”

Another report some days ago said: “The DPRK-US relationship has already shaken off the wrongful habits and prejudice of the past and entered a new historic track. Those words are like bubbles expelled by the powerful current of a great river that will not make the people of the two countries of North Korea and the United States unable to do what they are to do or make the driving force of improving relations weaken by putting out sophistry and tugging on the hind legs.”

Behind the scene, the process of getting to know each other and implement changes that can change the geopolitics of the world are unfolding in front of the global public.

South Korea’s delegation led by President Moon includes 200 people from all walks of life, from businessmen to musicians. They are expected to land at Pyongyang at the time of publishing this article.

Leaders of the two Koreas will enjoy a luncheon and begin summit talk afterward.

“First is removing the possibility of armed clashes, and the fear of war,” Moon said at Monday’s meeting with his senior aides.

“Second is facilitating North-US talks for denuclearization. This is not a matter on which we can take the lead, so (I) hope to speak frankly with Chairman Kim Jong-un to find a middle ground between the US’ demands for denuclearization and the North’s demands for ending hostilities and ensuring safety (of the regime).”

Moon’s first trip to Pyongyang comes amid a deadlock in denuclearization talks between the US and North Korea over what should come first in the denuclearization process. North Korea wants the US to agree to declare an end to the Korean War first, while the US wants the North to take more concrete steps to denuclearize first.

Moon will hold at least two meetings with the North Korean leader in Pyongyang. Their first official talks are scheduled to be held shortly after Moon’s arrival in the North Korean capital, and the second talks will take place on Wednesday morning.

Moon is scheduled to return to Seoul on Thursday.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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