Mexico launches “North American Recovery Campaign”

Mexico is one of the most popular of all honeymoon destinations for people living in the northern hermisphere.

Mexico is one of the most popular of all honeymoon destinations for people living in the northern hermisphere. It’s therefore sad to think about the number of honeymoon and romantic getaway plans—or, for that matter, family vacation plans—that had to be changed over the last couple of months because of the H1N1 Flu scare.

However, flu fears have abated. Mexico is back—big time—in the tourism business. And boy do they want American and Canadian travel consumers to know just how back they are!

So the country’s Ministry of Tourism and the Mexico Tourism Board have launched a full-out “North American Recovery Campaign” to let you know about it.

The unspoken subtext of all this? Bargains, bargains, and more bargains await anyone planning a visit to Mexico in the near future.

For your interest, here’s the full press release I received early this morning:

Mexico City, MX; June 18th, 2009: The first phase of the three part multimedia campaign titled, “Believe It” will run for a series of two weeks and will consist of television ads in markets across the US. The campaign carries strong, impacting statements and features leaders such as United States President Barack Obama among other important figures within the political arena.

Phase two titled “Welcome Back” reminds Americans of those magical moments that bond them to Mexico, and phase three a coop campaign titled “Mexico-It’s Time To Go” will entice travelers with amazing deals and packages that will be difficult to resist. In all -the campaign reminds everyone- Mexico’s magic-hasn’t changed.

The highly anticipated campaign, builds on the credibility that the Mexican government has built as a result of the responsibility in which the country’s government handled the recent health crisis. The exciting new campaign’s main message to travelers is to welcome them back and remind them that the Magic of Mexico hasn’t changed. The campaign will be carried out in three phases, beginning now through the winter season.

“Mexico and its tourism sector have proven yet again, that we are resilient to crisis. Not only are we back up and running and receiving tourists every day, but we are showing the world that this administration represents responsibility” said Oscar Fitch, CEO of the Mexico Tourism Board.

“Mexico is letting the world know that we are ready to welcome back travelers and continue to offer the beauty, culture, history, gastronomy, and pristine beaches our country is known for-and of course; all within great proximity and at a great value” added Fitch.

Tourism is one of the most important industries in Mexico; in fact revenue generated by tourists reached $13.2 billion in 2008. And, last year Mexico welcomed 22.6 million international visitors- a 5.9 percent increase from the previous year, of which, 18 million were Americans.

With that said, the campaign will focus on 12 major markets in the United States and six markets in Canada, which combined, represent over 80% of Mexico’s international tourists. Campaigns for Europe, Asia and Latino America are also planned for a later date.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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