Hello. Can I sit next to someone like you? Adele tops list of fantasy flight companions

Written by Linda Hohnholz

Hello. Can I sit next to someone like you? Adele tops list of fantasy flight companions

Pop star Adele is the passenger we would most like to sit beside on a plane, according to a survey carried out for World Travel Market London – the leading global event for the travel industry, released Monday 6 November at the event.

Known for hits such as Hello and Someone Like You, the singer topped the poll, ahead of Jodie Whittaker – the new Doctor Who – in second place.

The chirpy cockney songstress scooped 28% of the vote but might have scored more highly among nervous flyers if she hadn’t sung about Skyfall.

The new Doctor Who received 21% of the votes when 1,025 holidaymakers were asked who they would prefer to sit next to on a plane.

Perhaps the rest of the respondents thought she should be travelling by Tardis instead.

Third in the poll was Kit Harington, aka heart-throb Jon Snow in hit TV show Game of Thrones. He recently announced his engagement to co-star Rose Leslie, who played his love interest Ygritte, famous for her catch-phrase: “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”

Passengers might like to ask him about the eighth and final series of Game of Thrones in the hope that Jon Snow does know something.

Politicians appeared further down the ideal companion rankings, with UK Prime Minister Theresa May winning 10% of the vote, and US president Donald Trump on 7%.

However, they were both ahead of Canadian singer-songwriter Justin Bieber, who scored just 4%.

Intriguingly, Mrs May got 20% of the vote in the same WTM London poll last year, while Mr Trump received just 3% in 2016.

World Travel Market London’s Paul Nelson, said: “It’s great to see a down-to-earth celebrity such as Adele is the favourite in our poll of fantasy flight companions.

“She would certainly be very lively company at 30,000 feet.

“We were particularly surprised to see Donald Trump higher up the rankings than Justin Bieber – perhaps the President has more potential for inflight entertainment, or maybe we just didn’t ask enough ‘Beliebers’.”

Is this seat free?
Who would you like to sit next to on a plane? (1,025 respondents)

Adele 28%
Jodie Whittaker (new Doctor Who) 21%
Kit Harington (Jon Snow in Game of Thrones) 13%
Theresa May 10%
Donald Trump 7%
Justin Bieber 4%
Not sure/don’t know 25%

eTN is a media partner for WTM.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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