Germany to Intervene in UNWTO Manipulations

Dieter Janece
Dieter Janece, Member of Parilament

It may take a key UNWTO member country such as the Federal Republic of Germany to avoid the World Tourism Organization to sink.

A Desperate Plea From Inside UNWTO Headquarters warned travel industry government officials and UNWTO member states, that the UNWTO Secretary-General is about to Commit the Biggest Fraud Ever on Member States in Uzbekistan.

Germany is well aware of this problem according to a response received by eTurboNews today. It seems this UNWTO member will advocate to bring the process within UNWTO back to an orderly outcome.

The current person in Germany in charge of Tourism is Mr. Dieter Gerald Jancek, who has been serving as a member of Parliament since 2013. Born on May 25, 1976. Mr. Janecek is a member of the Green Party.

Mr. Jancek is the coordinator for the Federal Government in Germany for Maritime, Economy, and Tourism within the German Ministry for Economy and Climate Protection.

Contacted by the World Tourism Network advocacy committee, Mr. Janecek’s personal referent Max v. Ungern-Sternberg responded on behalf of Mr. Janecek MdB.

He explained that Mr. Janecek is well aware of the problems outlined within the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Germany is seen as a key member of UNWTO, especially after the United States, UK, Canada, and Australia are no longer members of this global tourism body.

He said that the Federal Government in Germany will be pushing the UNWTO to follow an orderly process in the issue at hand. The issue at hand is manipulating rules to eliminate a two-time term limit for the re-election of the UNWTO Secretary General.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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