Drinking during a Heatwave? Follow Gen Z, Try Joffee – Travel to Thailand


Non-alcoholic beverages are expected to play a pivotal role in providing refreshment and rejuvenation. Some added-value ingredients to watch include electrolytes and cooling herbs, which can counter the effects of heat on the body.

With global warming causing record temperatures, such as exceeding 45 C in Thailand during the summer, hydration becomes a matter of survival for people.

Thailand has been experiencing an exceptional heatwave this year, leading to increased conversations about beverages. This demonstrates that the majority of Thais are actively prioritizing sufficient water intake to support their dedication to a healthy lifestyle, highlighting their conscientiousness in staying hydrated during difficult weather conditions.

Food and beverage trend analyses elucidate ways in which brands can aid individuals in enduring increasingly severe weather conditions. As a result, non-alcoholic drinks are projected to assume a vital function in offering revitalization and invigoration. Notable supplementary components to monitor encompass electrolytes and cooling herbs, which can effectively mitigate the impact of high temperatures on the body.

In many parts of this overheated world, such as in Bangkok, poor air quality is also becoming a matter of concern due to extreme temperatures. Ingredients to watch here include antioxidant-rich inclusions, which can help the body cope.”

In 2023, consumers predominantly prefer carbonated beverages (70%), bottled water (67%), and ready-to-drink coffee (60%) as their top non-alcoholic drink options. Additionally, there is a potential market for hybrid drinks, as 47% of consumers have shown interest in exploring them.

According to a research study, 58% of Bangkok residents are aware of and interested in trying hybrid drinks known as ‘joffee’, which is a combination of coffee and juice.

Joffee is a cold-brew coffee drink that mixes with cane sugar and juiced blueberries for example. It’s bottled and served cold. 

This presents brands with an opportunity to create innovative hybrid beverages that have flavors strongly appealing to consumers.

When purchasing drinks, Thai consumers prioritize the health value of a beverage over flavor.

With health benefits growing to become more important than flavor, the synergy of flavor and function becomes crucial for beverages to entice consumers and establish a unique identity.

Gen X individuals in Thailand who are older display a more pronounced tendency towards making health-conscious decisions in comparison to younger generations like Gen Z.

For example, 43% of consumers aged 45 and above prefer non-alcoholic beverages with low/no/reduced sugar, compared to 33% of Gen Z.

The study concluded that brands can appeal to the Gen X demographic by offering health-focused options with permissible and functional attributes.

In general, nearly half of Thais prefer beverages with ingredients known for their health benefits, such as collagen and probiotics.

Gen Z is a key target market

Although Gen Z represents the largest consumer segment for non-alcoholic beverages in Thailand, their consumption lags behind other age groups in certain categories such as bottled water, ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee, vitamin water, and meal replacement drinks (e.g. protein-rich shakes).

The Mintel research study indicates a significant untapped potential for brands in the Gen Z market.

Beverage companies can seize the chance to be inventive by introducing sweet flavors in their products to appeal to Generation Z individuals. A total of 37% of Thai Generation Z individuals express a preference for non-alcoholic beverages with sweet flavors such as chocolate, which is higher than the percentage of the overall sample (30%).

Therefore, Gen Zs can be categorized as ‘Emotional Indulgers’, leaning towards indulgent flavor profiles. Sweet beverage flavors however are highly associated with being ‘unhealthy’.

Gen Z consumers can be swayed to view brands more positively when they include additional functional components in their beverages, providing a well-rounded and enticing choice.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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