California Tourism uses innovative sales tool making travel agents STARS

visit california

India has been a tourism focus for California, and over the years, awareness of the country’s attractions has increased. Signifying its confidence and potential in the Indian market, Visit California has launched the California STAR digital program.

Visit California’s latest evolution in the travel trade space is helping agents around the globe tap into all-new resources to better serve the travel industry on a whole new scale that is of immense use for travel agents, who can learn more about the destination at their own pace and in their own time and can also win award points. The program is part of an online training program being launched in several markets, where each participating agent becomes a STAR by joining the program.

This new B2B platform helps drive sales and expand agent knowledge regarding the diversity of California experiences through dynamic training and sales companion components. It allows Visit California to take agent relationships to the next level, making them true ambassadors of the program and of the California brand.

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Anil Mathur - eTN India

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