African Tourism Board Chairman in Ethiopia

ATB in Ethiopia

thiopia has embarked on a massive tourism infrastructure development. The meeting and incentive sector, also known as MICE has taken centre stage towards tourism development.

The African Tourism Board (ATB) held a bilateral meeting with H.E Ambassador Nasise Challi Jira the Honourable Minister of Tourism of Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Minister whose drive and passion toward proudly demonstrated collective efforts collectively with the East Africa Block.

An effort has been put into consolidating joint Tourism promotion initiatives and harmonization of monetary and fiscal policies that enable a simple exchange and convenience to the Intra-Africa Trade initiatives.

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Opportunities in Gorgora city were shown to the ATB Chairman. 300 hectares of land have already been prepared for prospective investors earmarked for hotels, Agri-Tourism production, and other areas within the Tourism supply value chain.

Such projects are anticipated to create jobs attracts visitors and thereby stimulate public-private partnerships boosting national development.

Ethiopia boast of being Africa’s connectivity Hub and the capital of the Continent among all 54 Member States in hosting the African Union.

The ATB in their deliberations with H.E the Honourable Minister during their meeting alongside the “Africa Celebrate 2022” event
at the African Union Headquarters, both parties pledged to work together in areas of brand marketing to re-positioning.

Ncube noticed Ethiopia is a most amazing country housed on the horn of Africa with so much to offer to quench the Tourist’s appetite and gratify the investor’s expectations.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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