A Symphony of Billion Voices on Climate Change: Jamaica and Pakistani Style

Diana McIntyre-Pike
Diana McIntyre-Pike

When Sadaf Khalid, CEO of the Pakistan Walnut Heights Resort Kalam sent invitation to join her initiative to be heard at COP 28 in Dubai, WTN member Diana McIntyre-Pike of Jamaica based country style Community Tourism Network responded and spoke out.

Ms.Khalid-Khan explains how Its4U was started and became an important voice at the just concluded COP 28 in Dubai

The planning for Its4u Cop28 Dubai started at the beginning of the year. Dr David Ko and Richard Busellato designed a plan to ask if we are ready to face head-on oil, gas, and coal. They brought a team together so that the Conference of the Parties could be in every village, city, and country.

Africa Climate Summit kick-off

The final leg of preparations kicked off at the Africa Climate Summit in September where David engaged with the East Africa Campuses and Colleges Green Network (EACCGN) to reflect on nature and dignity.

Following this, as COP28 approached, Sadaf Khalid was hired as Global Coordinator for coordinating international speakers; Irum Fawad, as Social Media Coordinator and International pod-castor, and Inger-Mette Stenseth the co-founder of the World Climate School helped to connect internationally. Collins Manyasi and Tim Odegwa connected with the members of EACCGN to reach networks across Africa.

Together, we created 12 days of live streaming and interviews. The events gave voice to women and men, young and old, from villages and cities from all the continents. There was no distinction between rich and poor; we brought faiths together; each day we had prayer and meditation to anchor ourselves. The participants told their stories of how they are looking after our Common Home.

Diana McIntyre-Pike

I invited Diana Mclntyre-Pike from Jamaica President of Countrystyle Community Tourism Network (CCTN)  Villages as Businesses and President of International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) Caribbean as a speaker for Its4u Cop28 Dubai.

Diana McIntyre has also been a founding member and leads the interest group for Community Tourism for the World Tourism Network

Her concept for Jamaica Tourism is simple and convincing:

The Countrystyle Community Tourism Network was born in Jamaica to introduce our visitors, and the world, to the unique intrigue, charm, character, and personality of our island and her people, and to show that there is an alternative to the four main products of a worldwide tourist industry, including Jamaica’s, namely sun, sea, sand, and sex.

It is this unique intrigue, charm, character, and personality that attracts so many visitors to our little island of Jamaica in preference to the many other destinations, many of which offer more manicured and sanitized environments.

Visitors, who then fall in love with Jamaica, and keep coming back.

Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

Diana presented her presentation on the topic of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. Diana spoke about Cultural diversity as a driver for Economic growth, and the power of community economic tourism for sustainable tourism. She also shared the benefits of the Countrystyle Villages as Businesses program for community development to help people in  communities: To succeed in developing Community businesses together, to use that success as a tool for broader, sustained community and economic development

She highlighted through the power of local culture and community economic tourism, every village can organize itself as a business and achieve individual and collective economic advancement and she shared that every community has unique assets including its lifestyle that can interest and engage visitors in a wide array of niche markets including, heritage, environment, culture, crafts, talents, personalities, businesses, daily life.

Villages as Businesses

 She shared that VILLAGES AS BUSINESSES  features community assets and lifestyle experiences including Schools and Churches, Music and Dance, Food and Cuisine, Heritage, Local Businesses – Products, Local Businesses – Services

When a village becomes interested in its potential for Community Economic Tourism, its leaders receive guidance in setting up a committee to oversee training, planning, and potential investment required for businesses and projects identified. She shared that the Villages as Businesses is endorsed by the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) as a sustainable tourism program for peace through tourism.

The Walnut Heights Resort Kalam, Pakistan

Sadaf Khalid Khan CEO of The Walnut Heights Resort Kalam Pakistan, Global Ambassador for Tourism Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club UK,  CEO SDGs UN Sustainable Development Goals  Academy Pakistan, Global Coordinator Its4u COP 28 Dubai.

Far from the madding crowd, the Walnut Heights is an exclusive resort, a Swiss-type chalet offering complete privacy and a homely atmosphere. Located 2 km away & 300 meters higher the Bazar (central market) & network of hotels.

The surroundings of walnut trees, pine forest, snow melt waterfall, and a stream flowing next to the rooms add to the serenity of the place.

Interview with Andrea T Edwards The Digital Conversationalist in Thailand

Sadaf gave an interview to Andrea T Edwards The Digital Conversationalist in Thailand where she presented her presentation by sharing her experience of attending the previous COP 26 in Glasgow. She along with Inger Mette organised the Global Citizens Assembly Cop 26 at Glasgow University where different speakers from across the globe participated in discussing the environmental challenges and the solutions in their countries

Sadaf Khalid Khan also shared her personal experience of the floods in 2022 in Kalam Pakistan where her resort The Walnut Heights is located. It was a horrific experience where she was stranded with her family for 5 days and then rescued in a helicopter. Her mother experienced the Floods in 2010 in Kalam where infrastructure was damaged and a huge loss to the tourism industry and Kalam was cut off from cities for one year.

Call to build Ecotourist Resorts

Sadaf is inviting all the Tourism international experts on sustainability to build Ecotourist Resorts with sustainable and green tourism projects.  Kalam is facing deforestation, plastic pollution, food waste, and water pollution problems. So that she can save her community for future generations.  

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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