Zimbabwe-Seychelles: Plans for renewed tourism cooperation

Zimbabwe was represented at the 6th edition of the Carnaval International de Victoria by officials from their Tourism Authority.

Zimbabwe was represented at the 6th edition of the Carnaval International de Victoria by officials from their Tourism Authority. Karikoga Kaseka, the Chief Executive of the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, accompanied by Sugar Chagonda, the Head of Corporate Affairs, were in Seychelles to show support for the United Nations Gathering of Culture Event where the best from the world of carnivals walk side by side with cultural troupes from the Community of Nations.

This year, 23 international delegations are in Seychelles for the carnival that is now referred to by the international press as the United Nations Gathering of Culture Event, and they were parading not only in front of well over half the population of Seychelles but also in the presence of 126 international press houses. This potential for visibility continues to bring countries looking to consolidate their tourism industry to participate at the Seychelles event.

On the sidelines of the Carnival event, Karikoga Kasega, the Chief Executive of the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, accompanied by Sugar Chagonda, the Head of Corporate Affairs, met Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Offices at ESPACE Building in Victoria to discuss cooperation between the two countries as well as tourism, Africa, and the UNWTO.

Zimbabwe was supporting the Seychelles carnival since its first edition six years ago when the Vice President of Zimbabwe along with Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi led a large cultural delegation to the carnival.

During the meeting, it was agreed Minister Mzembi of Zimbabwe and Minister St.Ange of the Seychelles would continue to pursue avenues for cooperation, possibly at the INDABA Tourism Trade Fair in Durban in South Africa or at a meeting in Seychelles before a planned Tourism Ministers meeting at the AU (African Union) in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.

Seychelles is a founding member of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) . For more information on Seychelles Minister of Tourism and Culture Alain St.Ange, click here.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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