Tulsi Gabbard US President in 2020? She told CNN but not her father


His daughter Tulsi Gabbard is running for president in 2020. Hawaii Senator Mike Gabbard is currently attending the Farm Bureau convention in New Orleans where President Trump will speak on Monday. Gabbard’s daughter is U.S. Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard. Donald Trump contending against Tulsi Gabbard may become a reality in 2020.

Tulsi told CNN today about her plans to officially enter the race for president. After President Obama, she would be the second contender for president from the Aloha State of Hawaii and the first woman president.

Her proud father, Senator Mike Gabbard, responded to eTurboNews today writing on his I-Pad: “I am in New Orleans for Farm Bureau Convention and exhausted after redeye last night. I was pleasantly surprised and I didn’t know that she (Tulsi) made a final decision. She has so much Aloha for the People. She will make a great president.”

The 37-year-old Iraq War veteran Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is the first Hindu elected to Congress and the first member born in the U.S. territory of American Samoa. She has visited early primary and caucus states New Hampshire and Iowa in recent months and has written a memoir that’s due to be published in May.

She trained herself to talk to strangers, to “share that aloha with them.” In the Hawaiian language, “aloha” can be a salutation or a valediction, but it also refers to a spirit defined in state law as “the coordination of mind and heart within each person.” Hawaiian officials are directed to “give consideration to the ‘aloha spirit’” as they discharge their duties.

Gabbard’s run would not be without controversy. In 2016, she alarmed fellow Democrats when she met with Donald Trump during his transition to president and later when she took a secret trip to Syria and met with President Bashar Assad.

Some ask who is Tulsi’s Guru? Click here for a very controversial article from Butlers Web.

When Gabbard entered politics, she was only twenty-one, and in those early years, she was a social conservative, pro-life and active in the fight against same-sex marriage together with her father, who was a high-profile anti-gay activist. He led a campaign against same-sex marriage in Hawaii in the 1990s. He founded the educational nonprofit Stop Promoting Homosexuality and bought himself a show on a local radio station to denounce LGBT people.

Early in her career, Tulsi Gabbard took after her father. She opposed abortion and supported a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

After Honolulu Magazine emailed her father to ask about his former ties to a conservative Hare Krishna splinter group for a 2004 profile, it was Tulsi Gabbard who replied angrily, accusing the magazine of “acting as a conduit for other homosexual extremist supporters of Ed Case. Ed Case is now serving as a Hawaii US Representative together with Tulsi Gabbard in Washington.

Over the past two years, Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono has been attacked by right-wing ideologues for her examination of Donald Trump’s ideologically-driven nominees to the courts. Now the attack against the popular Senator from Hawaii comes from within. It comes from Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard.

A statement issued by Senator Hirono yesterday said: “It is unfortunate that Congresswoman Gabbard based her misguided opinion on the far-right-wing manipulation of these straightforward questions.” It hardly ever happened in history that two colleagues representing Hawaii in Washington and of the same party get into a public argument like this. Gabbard accuses Hirono and Democratic colleagues of religious bigotry.

During the 2016 presidential election, Gabbard stepped down from her post as a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee so she could endorse Bernie Sanders, making her one of the few House Democrats to back the Vermont senator over Hillary Clinton during the primary.

Tourism is the main industry in Gabbard’s home state Hawaii. Her opinion to take away the visa waiver program for many European countries was highly controversial.

In January 2015, Tulsi went on CNN and said: “I urge the Administration to immediately suspend the Visa Waiver Program for countries such as Great Britain, Germany, and France, which have thousands of citizens fighting alongside Islamic extremist groups like ISIL, in the Middle East or around the world. By suspending the Visa Waiver Program, all visitors from these countries will have to go through a visa application process before they are allowed to step on U.S. soil. Simultaneously, I will work with my colleagues to take action in Congress to address this issue and plug this gaping hole in our national security.

In January 2017, Gabbard was among the first to alert Hawaii residents on social media and CNN that the message was a “false alarm,” tweeting that she had “confirmation the alarm was false.”

Now 4 years later, Gabbard will be on CNN announcing her candidacy for the U.S. presidency in 2020.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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