Travel the World for Fashion

In recent years, we’ve seen niche tourism grow in popularity such as agritourism, ecotourism, enotourism (also known as wine tourism) and gastrotourism. Whether going for the wine, the farming, the wilderness or the food, there’s something out there for everyone.

One of the most popular types of tourism is of course fashion tourism and this is something that can be enjoyed in almost every corner of the world and on various different budgets. From traditional craft to designer items, there’s no shortage of holiday ideas that can be based on your passion for fashion. If you can imagine yourself walking the shopping districts of Buenos Aires, sitting in on a knitting class on the west coast of Ireland, or hunting for an authentic pashmina in Nepal, then start organising your next trip with the following helpful tips:

Watch browsing in Switzerland

Known not only for its stunning landscapes and great skiing areas, but also for its affinity for watchmaking, Switzerland has long been the go-to destination for browsing for luxury watches. With brands such as Omega, Tag Heuer, and IWC, there will be no shortage of choice for your next timepiece. Enjoy touring around the various local watchmakers and gain a sense of the tradition, heritage and quality behind each accessory. Whether you prefer buying in-store or from an online marketplace such as this one, a trip to Switzerland is worth it either way to gain inspiration and learn the craft.

Back to basics: knit clothing in Ireland

Taking a departure from luxury goods, why not discover the knitting tradition in Ireland? Ingrained in Irish style and culture, Ireland has had a booming knitting industry for centuries. The west of Ireland is particularly abundant in sheep and therefore has a very strong knitting culture. In particular, the Aran Islands, off the west coast of Ireland, are famous for the classic Irish cable knit. The Aran jumper is usually crafted from unscoured wool, which makes them particularly resilient to the various extreme weather conditions that could be found on the Atlantic coast. Visit craft villages, attend knitting workshops and browse the local shops for your next knitted companion.

Leather shopping in Argentina

According to the Insider Monkey, Argentina is the seventh largest leather-producing country in the world. With a booming meat industry, it’s no wonder that the South American country is a popular leather destination. Buenos Aires generates over a half of Argentina’s travel and tourism GDP and is a very popular summer destination. Stroll the boutiques in Buenos Aires and learn all about the leather artistry – and don’t forget to enjoy some tango at night.

The perfect Indian pashmina

While pashmina shawls are sold in abundance all over the world, what we seem to lose sight of is the history and the art of crafting the colourful scarves. Made from Cashmere wool, which comes from a specific goat, these woven shawls have been around for a very long time and are best known for their soft texture and vibrant look. The time spent crafting an authentic pashmina shawl can be anywhere from 100 hours and above. In India, there are plenty of places in which you can see the complex process of making the scarf. You are also more likely to come across an authentic pashmina – as opposed to one using a small portion of cashmere and that’s sold at a very low price. An important thing to remember when shopping for your next pashmina, is the fact that pashmina or cashmere goats are fast-becoming a rare breed: you get what you

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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