“Miss Seychelles…another world” 2016 visits Airtel with Tourism Board staff

Accompanied by staff from the Seychelles Tourism Board’s (STB’s) events section, “Miss Seychelles…another world” 2016 Christine Barbier paid a courtesy visit on the Managing Director of Airt

Accompanied by staff from the Seychelles Tourism Board’s (STB’s) events section, “Miss Seychelles…another world” 2016 Christine Barbier paid a courtesy visit on the Managing Director of Airtel, Amadou Dina, at the company’s headquarters in Providence last week.

Before meeting Mr. Dina, Miss Barbier was given a tour of the headquarters where she met staff of the various departments who made sure to take a souvenir photo with the beauty queen.

Mr. Dina congratulated Miss Barbier for being crowned as the country’s new beauty queen and for winning three other titles, namely Miss Personality, Miss Sports, and Miss Talent.

He said Miss Barbier will need support not only as the new Miss Seychelles…another world, but as she is in the process of preparing to represent her country at the Miss World beauty pageant.

The international pageant will be held in December, and the chosen venue is Washington, DC, United States of America.

Mr. Dina said STB and Airtel have been partners for a long time, adding that once again the company will support Miss Seychelles…another world 2016.

We believe in supporting youths, and through Airtel, we ensure that each year, the winner of the Miss Seychelles…another world title gets visibility. We share photos and news of the beauty queen across other countries where Airtel operates, he said.

Miss Barbier thanked Mr. Dina for meeting her and for the continued support from Airtel towards the Miss Seychelles…another world pageant.

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Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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