Minister Bartlett: Jamaica’s Tourism Ministry to launch Tourism Supplies Hub

Minister Bartlett: Jamaica’s Tourism Ministry to launch Tourism Supplies Hub
Jamaica's Tourism Minister Hon. Edmund Bartlett
Written by Harry Johnson

Tourism Minister Hon. Edmund Bartlett says his Ministry will be developing a Tourism Supplies Hub that will help to position Jamaica as the premier logistics centre in the region. The hub will focus on training and certification of tourism workers, serving as suppliers for cruise and airlines; and resilience and technology support.

The Minister made the announcement recently during his address at the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association’s (JHTA) 59th annual general meeting (AGM), which was hosted virtually.

During his address, he added that this hub would be “a critical response to the cruise companies, which have indicated that they would like to secure supplies from Jamaica as well as additional workers.”

He shared that his Ministry has been proactive with its approach to the cruise industry, by meeting with them frequently to get updates on how the industry will safely re-open.

“We have been in long discussions with our cruise partners. Although I cannot announce to you today the exact date when cruise will resume in Jamaica, I can tell you that we have been very vigorous in terms of our efforts to redefine the relationships between the cruise industry stakeholders and ourselves,” said the Minister.

“This is being done with the hope of ensuring that a greater level of not just resources will come to Jamaica but that Jamaica will benefit greater from the ability that the cruise lines have to generate more local involvement and more inclusiveness, in terms of the returns from the sector,” he added.

The Tourism Ministry is also seeking to launch a collaborative global marketing campaign that will bring partners in private sector and Government together to speak with one voice and market Jamaica as a COVID-19 resilient destination, based on the destination’s world-class protocols and innovative Resilient Corridors.

More news about Jamaica.


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About the author

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson has been the assignment editor for eTurboNews for mroe than 20 years. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is originally from Europe. He enjoys writing and covering the news.

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