Maldives is now the 128th country in the World Tourism Network

World Tourism Network

The Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation (MITDC) was welcomed into the World Tourism Network (WTN) as the 128th Destination Member. The goal of MITDC is to integrate community-based tourism in the Maldives and bring local island tourism to new heights.

  • The Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation (MITDC) is a 100% Maldivian Government SOE mandated to support and foster the development and growth of the mid-market segment of the Tourism Industry.
  • The Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation as authorized by its managing director Mohamed Raaidh joined the World Tourism Network (WTN) as its latest Destination Member.
  • Maldives just joined the World Tourism Network (WTN), making this tourism paradise the 128th country leading this organization.

Director Mohamed Raaidh has been a frequent guest on many of the global discussions by organized by the World Tourism Network.

Under Mr. Raaidh’s leadership the Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation is now officially a part of this important global discussion as the latest member of WTN.

With MITDC joining, the Republic of Maldives also became the 128th country with members in WTN.

World Tourism Network Chairman Juergen Steinmetz said.:

“Maldives breathes travel and tourism. I had the pleasure traveling to Maldives many times over the last 30 years.

“Maldives without doupt is one of the most beautiful beach and diving destinations in the world. Maldives with luxury resort hotels spreading out over hundreds of islands is also an ideal place to maintain social distancing when relaunching a travel and tourism destination safely.

“The World Tourism Network is excited to work with MITDC and continue to work with Mohamed Raaidh. Mohamed already is a familiar face in our ongoing discussions.

“We now like to invite the stakeholders in Maldives, the hotels, resorts, attractions, airports to also join our network.

“WTN has become a leading force in the world of travel & tourism, specifically for small and medium size independent tbusinesses in the world.

“Many such organizations located in Maldives ideally represent this profile. Welcome Maldives!”

The Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation (MITDC) stated:

Our primary goal is to bring economic growth to the nation by expanding the possible avenues of the tourism sector through the systematic and planned development of integrated tourism in this industry.

In order to diversify the ever-growing tourism and hospitality industry in the Maldives, the Maldivian Government has been looking into exploring the possibility of tapping into the mid-range tourism market that is currently growing in the Maldives. And under this initiative, the Maldivian Government has embarked on developing the concept of integrated tourism in the Maldives.

Mohamed Raaidh | eTurboNews | eTN
Mohamed Raaidh, director Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation (MITDC)

In contrast to the traditional one-island-one-resort concept adopted by the current resorts where all the services are provided by a single operator, we intend to involve several business operators to provide various services such as guesthouses, community centers, spas, restaurants, water sports, theme parks. This is mainly to promote involvement and revenue to the local businesses.

Additionally, it is our priority to involve the contribution of the local community in the tourism sector and essentially increasing the economy of the community.

MITDC | eTurboNews | eTN


Strive for excellence in meeting our mandate and facilitate sustainable development of integrated tourism throughout the nation by offering innovative and economically viable business opportunities to enable SMEs participation in the industry, and be a model organization that capitalize on human resource development and strategic partner in the national tourism development.


Build prosperity for the Maldivian community through integrated tourism development and make Maldivian local tourism a global brand.

Mohammed Raaidh was appointed as the Managing Director of Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation (MITDC) with the primary goal of contributing to the economic growth of the nation by expanding possible avenues of the tourism sector through the systematic and planned development of integrated tourism in this industry.

Mr. Raaidh has worked directly with the former President, His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan, as the head of the Official Residence Staff. His vast experience in ASEAN region countries make him a strong player within his network of tourism, transportation, and import/export industries.

Furthermore, with an active background in the law enforcement, crime prevention and legal motivation, Mohamed Raaidh has spent more than 4 years rigorously laying out legal frameworks and drafting far-reaching laws.

His vision is to integrate community-based tourism in the Maldives and to bring local island tourism to new heights.    WTN:

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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