India: Canadian Visa and Consular Services Available Only in Delhi

Brief News Update
Written by Binayak Karki

Canada has temporarily suspended visa and consular services in Bengaluru, Chandigarh, and Mumbai, causing disruptions in visa processing in India.

The Canadian High Commission in Delhi is the sole available location for these services.

This suspension comes in response to India’s earlier suspension of visa processing in Canada. Canada has issued a travel advisory expressing concerns about potential protests and negative sentiment towards Canada, particularly in Delhi and the National Capital Region, advising travelers to maintain a low profile and exercise caution in crowded areas.

In-person consular services are temporarily unavailable in the mentioned Indian cities. Canada, the United Kingdom, and the US have varying levels of progress in returning to pre-Covid visa processing levels, with long wait times for visitor visa interviews in the US.

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly mentioned that the implications of activities in India will impact services at consulates in both countries and in-person services in Mumbai, Chandigarh, and Bengaluru.

Tensions between India and Canada escalated due to accusations of Indian government involvement in a killing on Canadian soil, with India refuting these allegations and emphasizing the presence of ‘terrorists and criminal elements’ in Canada as the core issue in their relationship.

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About the author

Binayak Karki

Binayak - based in Kathmandu - is an editor and author writing for eTurboNews.

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