Dr. Walter Mzembi leader of the new People’s Party in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe former Foreign Affairs and Tourism Minister Dr. Walter Mzembi has been appointed interim leader of the newly formed People’s Party.

Dr. Mzembi and a number of the former Mugabe allies are now living outside Zimbabwe, having fled the country following the removal of late President Robert Mugabe from power in 2017.

Dr. Mzembi has been an internationally recognized leader,  one of the longest-serving and most successful Ministers of Tourism in Africa. He was second in the 2018 UNWTO Secretary-General election.

He traveled the globe and made friends in impossible places.

So what does this party hope to do and can it make a difference in a country facing enormous challenges?

Party’s Secretary-General Lloyd Msipa went on TV to answer this question. Msipa is originally from Vainona, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe  He studied Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the University of East London and currently resides in London.


A nation divided against itself will not stand. All opportunity to unite Zimbabweans was squandered post-coup, post-2018 elections and this wisdom continues to elude the Harare regime. It’s a very vindictive, retributive, intolerant apparatus that does not brook any opposition. To fix the economy one has to fix the politics first unite people first and unleash their collective energy towards finding solutions to the challenges which every Zimbabwean now describes so eloquently

“Emmerson Mnangagwa has evidently failed to unite the country and today, Zimbabwe is a fragmented and polarised nation more than ever before with dysfunctional bureaucracy split along factional lines reminiscent of the pre-coup era which is only kept together by institutional fear, even with this repression, a large section of his government is crying for redemption and has lent its support to the People’s party,” said Msipa.

Dr. Walter Mzembi leader of the new Zimbabwe People’s Party

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The constitution of the party is available to download as a PDF in clicking here. 

Tourism may have a major role in the future of a better Zimbabwe. When it comes to travel and tourism everyone is thinking of Dr. Walter Mzembi, one of the former longest-serving former tourism ministers in Africa. Living in exile in South Africa, many people across the political divide are asking this critical question, who is Dr. Walter Mzembi?

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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