Amsterdam in Spring: the Best Occasion for a Journey

Amsterdam in Spring: the Best Occasion for a Journey
Amsterdam in Spring: the Best Occasion for a Journey
Written by Linda Hohnholz

When it comes to traveling, people are majorly divided into two categories. The first group gives preference to visiting different countries in high seasons. This decision can be forced by the peculiarity of a job making it impossible to have a holiday in winter, for instance, by children who have holidays only in summer, and by preferences.

Though, those who hate long queues and crowds of travelers everywhere give preference to traveling in low seasons. There is one more possibility. It is possible to try catching mid-seasonal periods when the weather is good enough, however unstable, and not so many people are around. The beginning and midst of spring can be referred to the mid-season.

Just imagine how charming it becomes in spring. Amsterdam and other Dutch cities are no exception. Buy your tickets, order a bus charter Amsterdam for a comfortable trip, and get ready for a joyful trip.

List of Must-Dos in Spring Amsterdam

In spring, all nature is waking up. The Netherlands is abundant in fields, thus, the territories are blossoming with bright colors of flowers and green grass. That is why most of the suggested pastimes are outdoor activities.

  1. Enjoy the blossoming of tulips in Keukenhof Gardens or visit an annual Tulips Festival that is carried out from March to May. One may also opt to go to the flower strip known around the globe place to admire marvelous tulips.
  2. If you frequent in April, you may get involved in the most beloved Dutch holiday, i.e., the King’s Day. It is celebrated by every city on Apr. 27 annually. Everything becomes orange, from external street decorations to the clothes of people and their faces. Feel the spirit together with the Dutch people.
  3. Spend days in the parks. Undoubtedly, in warm days, the best time is spent outside. In numerous parks, there will be lots of amusing activities organized. Besides, concerts are regularly carried out in parks, they can be attended for free.
  4. Buy tickets for one of the festivals. At least 300 fests are annually carried out in Amsterdam and nearby regions. Spring is the season that opens the list of various music, culinary, cinema, and many other festivals.

Amsterdam in Spring: the Best Occasion for a Journey

  1. In March, there is a day when all the towers are open for visitors to climb and enjoy the bird’s eye panorama views of the city.
  2. One more chance to see the King and Queen is to attend feats and venues arranged on the Liberation Day on May 5. Concerts, festivals, banquets are all intended to entertain the Dutch people on the occasion of setting free from the Nazi troops at the end of WWII.

Those who want to travel and discover the world will find possibilities in any season. Summer is the hottest time for weather conditions and the number of tourists. Though, spring is not worse, being a great time to frequent the Netherlands.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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