African Tourism Board Chair sees Rebranding of Tourism by Education as the future in Tourism

“Ground the people we train in the word of God so that they can stand up and take the word and spread it, our job is to take the word out to the world and change the world with the word of God”.

HRH Princess Debbie Dineo Raphuti Africa President of World Women Leading Change discussed the contributions of women in new businesses in stabilising life after covid19 in Africa. The president mentions the value of women in society in impacting change through education.

“We connect women from all works of life, we bring down barriers hindering women’s growth, we motivate, we inspire, we mentor, and we rise, and we thrive together that is what we do in our sector. The most important thing in our sector it is education. In order to transform society, we should be able to enable them to get education and we must skill them”.   

Dr. Patrice Habinshuti Director of Academics, Research and Quality Assurance and Lecturer of RWU explored at the immediate practical short course skills necessary for the restoration and initiation of new business in Africa.

“Covid19 yes, it is disrupted our lives everyone was affected in a way or another our jobs our businesses. we have had people who had start-ups and they were obliged to close the doors.  We have seen those who had ideas to start but they have never started, that’s mostly what covid19 has done but also the beauty of the experience that we had had is that there has been another way of working, another way of looking at. We have seen that they can be flexible learning and assessment options that we can adopt from high-tech to low-tech solutions and even non-tech solutions that are dictated by local context and evolving as the crisis is unfolding. There are a lot of public and private stakeholders with whom we can forge partnerships to increase the availability of accessible to distance learning to solutions to develop new training programs and allocate additional resources of mitigating skills and labor shortages”.

Mr. Cuthbert Ncube Executive Chairman of the African Tourism Board discussed the tourism impact of on social-economic development and the new ways in the restoration of dying businesses in Africa, essentially rebranding the future of tourism and education of Africa to strengthen our resilience against any unpredictable pandemics.

The meeting was also attended by Juergen Steinmetz, Chairman of the World Tourism Network as an observer.

“Promoting our regional, promoting our domestic tourism as a coping mechanism that is through empowerment of our people through the programs that will definitely integrate our African brothers and sisters in the practical world of commerce. These programs that are being offered will surely empower us prepare and ignite within us that positive mind that will always propel and prepare for a rebound within the sector”.

The final speaker Mr. Jean Pierre Ntuyimana Administrative Assistant in RWU and Managing Director of Webber Trading and Consulting Services Company Ltd, concluded by looking at the role of job creation innovation and the role of financial institutions and university. He discussed on how as part of job creation we can involve financial institutions with Focusing on agribusiness and Agro-industry, construction, mines, marine and oil and gas

“After Identification of partner programs, identification of pilot units, technologies, financial institutions, the university will identify partners The university can assist promotion, in the development of a business plan which proves that the projects are technically feasible and financially profitable to meet the support of financial institutions. These short courses will have a great impact as beneficiaries and will be well equipped with the necessary tools”.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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