ACE of MICE Istanbul made the Turkish Meetings and Incentive Travel Industry proud


ACE of MICE in Istanbul came to an end on Friday with participants from around the world being introduced to meeting and incentive travel opportunities in Turkey.

With Turkish Airlines as a partner reaching more cities and countries non-stop from Istanbul than any other airline in the world, Istanbul as a destination is a natural when it comes to global reach.

Turkey showcased its best at the Istanbul Congress Center for the last three days. Turkey has some of the top hotels in Europe, and some of the top convention venues in the world. Security is important for Istanbul and visible everywhere. This, added with highly-trained professionals and a population that loves visitors, and food too good to be true, this country is making a difference in the world when it comes to travel and tourism, and when it comes to the MICE industry.

Numerous seminars over the last three days shed light on some interesting subjects relevant to the meeting and incentive industry.

With the expansive reach of information in this digital era, attendants have not culturally limited to their country of origin alone. Today, events all over the world provide individuals as well as brands a global experience as a result of this paradigm shift. Mat Johnson is a master of transforming innovation and uniqueness from brand values to human experience by way of events he masterminded all around the world for NIKE and more. The solution to cross the ever-blurry lines that separate countries or cities is through “evolution that adapts fast,” “trusting in our own intuition” in novel situations where there are no precedents, “confidence in your team as much as yourself while taking risks,” as well as having a “vision for the potential that the future holds.”

Bora Aksoylu, former Red Bull and NIKE Turkey Event Manager who has created, curated and executed groundbreaking ideas, as well as first of its kind events both nationally and internationally, laid out cases from around the world comparatively in accordance with local dynamics of application vs. global vision through a concept he calls the “E3/Event – Entertainment – Experience” and provided insights on how to apply a global mindset in our local applications throughout a dialogue that focuses on: “Providing maximized immersive experiences while events expand and evolve in reach and content.”

Rapid digitalization in our age has also made some changes in the event world. Digitalization has many positive effects in our lives, however, it has disadvantages, too. When we create an event, we gather a crowd who can share a common idea, but we see that they don’t have direct interaction with each other, and technology is used as a main communication tool.

ACE of MICE with its Gala Dinner and Turkish Party was a fun-filled professional event well worth attending.

eTurboNews was a media partner for ACE of MICE and exhibited at the event.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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