7 Tips To Consider Before Opening an Online Pet Shop

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image courtesy of fluf from Pixabay
Written by Linda Hohnholz

If you are an animal lover, you are far from alone. In the United States, around 70 percent of households have a pet.

Have you ever thought about taking that love to the next level by opening an online pet shop? If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and you want to play a role in connecting animal lovers to pet products, an online store might be up your alley. Before you do, however, consider these tips. 

1. Learn About Essential Tools and Equipment

Opening an online pet shop requires more structure than taking pictures of your inventory and posting pictures online. To create a professional setup, you need to have the right tools and equipment at your disposal from the very beginning. For example, you need to create a professional website that allows customers to understand your brand and products, and you need a professional way to process transactions. For this reason, you should start learning about website design options and pet store POS systems as soon as possible. 

2. Assess Your Abilities

Being a successful entrepreneur depends on multiple factors, and having the ability to do the job is essential. When you first start brainstorming, take a moment to assess your abilities to care for animals and run a business. How many pets have you had in the past? What kind of business-related experience do you have? If you feel like you need help in either of these areas, that is not a reason to dismiss your pet shop dreams. Instead, find ways to improve your abilities to better prepare for the future. 

3. Consider Your Lifestyle and Schedule

If you want to open a pet store, it is also necessary to look at your current lifestyle and schedule. How does running a business fit in? If you currently work for someone else on a predetermined schedule, you will probably need to make some changes to allow for adequate time to plan and operate a pet store. At the end of the day, having any type of business can be emotionally and physically demanding. Make sure that being an animal care professional aligns with who you are and what you want to do. 

4. Understand the Laws

Opening any kind of store entails following local laws and regulations regarding business ownership and commercial activities. This is true for online and traditional business structures. Do not let the paperwork stop you though. The first step to making sure you properly understand your local business laws is to talk to a professional in either the business or legal world. You can also conduct a lot of research on your own. Online businesses tend to have simpler setups, but understanding the laws that impact you can help you avoid possible issues in the future. 

5. Think About Your Inventory

You know you want to open an online pet shop, but what kind of products do you plan on selling? Will you specialize in a couple of particular animals, or do you want to create a more general pet store that offers products for all types of pets? Think about your interests and experience, and also consider the top needs of consumers. Research other pet stores to get an idea of what to offer in your inventory. Do you want to sell essentials such as food and medicine, or do you want to focus on secondary supplies such as toys and bedding? Keep in mind, your inventory can influence what kind of laws impact your business. 

6. Create Business Plans

Even if you have a great idea, it is best practice to write it down in the form of a business plan to make sure you have a solid structure to follow through with. Ideally, you should create both short and long-term business plans to outline your ideas. Not only will having business plans help increase clarity, but they can also create an entrepreneurial roadmap that can help you secure future funding, hire talent, figure out financial numbers and focus your strategies.

7. Examine Your Finances

Speaking of finances, money is definitely another consideration before opening any type of business. Although an online endeavor usually costs much less than a physical brick-and-mortar location, there are still many expenses to think about. For example, any online business requires a website which will entail design and hosting costs, and you also need to consider the cost of inventory and any applicable business licenses. Before you create a business website or move forward on any other plans, check your bank account and calculate the numbers.

Opening an online pet shop can be rewarding, but it requires thoughtful planning. Use these tips to ensure your experience goes as smoothly as possible. 

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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