Founding Member of the Council of Former African Heads of States and Government for Environment and Climate Change in Africa

It was announced from the office of Seychelles’ founding President Sir James R.

It was announced from the office of Seychelles’ founding President Sir James R. Mancham that Sir James has been invited by the former President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, who is also Patron of LEM, the Environment and Development Society of Ethiopia, to join him as a Founding Member of the Council of Former African Heads of States and Government for Environment and Climate Change in Africa.
In a letter dated November 2015 from Ethiopia, the Ethiopian leader, His Excellency Girma Wolde-Giorgis who has been a passionate advocate of protection, preservation of the environment and land use for over 65 years wrote:

“It is with great pleasure to inform that after serving as President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia from 2001 to 2013, I took the initiative along with His Excellency Ambassador Mussie Hailu to establish the Council of Former African Heads of States and Government for Environmental Protection and Climate Change in Africa which is already endorsed by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP).

The purpose of the Council is to bring Former African Heads of States and Government to work together in close association with AU, UNEP, ADB, ECA, Religious Leaders and Think-Tank groups and other stakeholders to champion environmental protection and the issue of climate change in Africa. I am writing this letter to invite you join hands with me as a Founding Member of the Council.”

In a reply to the Ethiopian leader, Sir James said that he was deeply honoured and at the same time humbled by the invitation of the revered Ethiopian leader who has done so much for Ethiopia over the years and particularly in the field of environmental protection.

“This is an area which is not only close to my heart but also very much part of the proactive policy of the present government of the Republic of Seychelles under the leadership of President James A. Michel”, Sir James declared.

It is understood that the Council will work with the guidance and the support of the UNEP regional office from Africa in partnership with the African Union, EDB, UNECA and other stakeholders.

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Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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