Summer travel tips for family road trips

Written by Linda Hohnholz

SAN MARCOS, CA – When taking your family on a road trip this summer, make the most of it by preparing for some on the road fun.

SAN MARCOS, CA – When taking your family on a road trip this summer, make the most of it by preparing for some on the road fun. The road trip can be just as fun as the main destination with the right tricks and tools. Comfort is key when it comes to a family road trip so as long as everyone is comfortable, you should be ready to have a good time! Cardiff Products co-founders Jason Arriola and Will Regan share these five summer travel tips fo r avoiding tired, cranky kids and make the road trip pleasant for all:

1. Stay hydrated and bring snacks

Sounds simple, but keeping tummies full is a way to avoid cranky kids (adults too!). It’s extremely important that everyone stays hydrated in the summer so bring lots of water bottles as well. Pack plenty of snacks for the road so you don’t have to make a pit stop every time someone says they’re hungry. Some snacks that are good for a road trip are granola bars, fruit, cereal, crackers, and sandwiches.

2. Get your rest

Sleepy, cranky kids can be a nightmare to deal with on a long road trip. If your kids are still at an age where they have naptime, schedule the road trip during their naptime so they can more easily fall asleep in the car. For older kids and adults, the Booster Seat Headrest is a must-have accessory for road trips and daily travel. It is designed to support your head and neck while in the car. This means no more noodle neck and head bobbing when kids try to sleep in the car. Instead they’ll feel well rested and comfortable throughout the entire trip.

3. Plan some entertainment

Everyone gets bored when they’re stuck in a car for long periods of time. You don’t want your kids complaining and constantly asking, “Are we there yet?”, so keep them entertained with creative games and some travel toys. You can come up with interesting games everyone can play based on the other cars around you and the sights you see alongside the road. Each child can also bring their own travel bag of toys to keep them busy.

4. Make a scrapbook

Making a scrapbook to remember your fun family road trip is something you can work on with the kids. Take pictures of interesting things you see or funny family selfies in the car. Try to pick up a small souvenir like a postcard or sticker at every roadside attraction or gift shop you stop at and include it in your scrapbook. It’s a creative activity to keep the kids entertained and also a great family keepsake at the end of the trip.

5. Bring some electronics

Normally it would be a good idea to put aside your electronic devices to spend more time with the family, but while you’re on the road, having a tablet device and some smartphones can actually help pass the time and provide entertainment. Download some apps before you go like iExit to give you information on gas stations and shops at all different exits. Also bring a few portable car chargers so you can keep the devices juiced up so they’re always ready for use.


About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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