Spa’s in Bangkok


Thailand’s legendary hospitality extends to some of the world’s finest spa treatments. Whether it is for beauty, peace of mind, or health benefits, there are numerous luxurious options to satisfy mind, body, and soul.

The Bodhi ( wellness center offering core utilizes technologically advanced equipment and modern developed treatment methods catering to health conscious consumers. It uses innovative technology and world-class equipments to promote good health, physically and mentally for people with time constraint. Results can be expected within a short period of time using a combination of innovative technology and state-of-the-art exercise equipment, along with a team of in-house specialists.

S Medical Spa ( offers ways to optimize health and appearance. Discover new ways to revitalize your mind and body, regenerate new energy to feel and look younger, plus enhance your lifestyle through a unique combination of Eastern traditional healing and spa arts plus the modern science of the West.

Indulge into the root of Asia, a soothing blend of Colonial and Royal Thai-inspired comforts at Nibhana Spa ( Unwind in the charm of Oriental ambiance surrounded by the rich décor of culture and wisdom. Stepping inside, you are greeted by colonial style architecture. Divided into 10 spacious treatment rooms designed with its own uniqueness; Thai, Chinese, and Indian, the treasures of oriental heritage.

Reputed to be one of the largest and most advanced wellness centers in Asia, TRIA Integrative Wellness ( recently opened its doors, offering a wide range of treatment options and modalities to achieve better and faster results. The integrative wellness concept is backed by advance know-how of modern medicine, traditional medicine, hydrotherapy, exercise, and nutrition treatment. Moreover, a team of physicians, naturopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, personal trainers and life coaches are on standby to cover all aspects of wellness.

About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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