Seychelles former president retraces history of carnivals in Seychelles

James Mancham, Seychelles President at the time when the Indian Ocean Creole Islands attained its independence from Great Britain, has come out to support the “2011 Seychelles Carnival International d

James Mancham, Seychelles President at the time when the Indian Ocean Creole Islands attained its independence from Great Britain, has come out to support the “2011 Seychelles Carnival International de Victoria” by highlighting the successes of the island’s 1972 carnival held under the patronage of Princess Margaret and of Lord Snowdon from the United Kingdom.

Mr. Mancham writes in the “Voice of the Indian Ocean and of the Arabian Sea” (VIOAS) magazine that during the 1972 carnival he was personally actively involved in the event by pulling a rickshaw throughout Victoria. The magazine brings out thet the carnival held some 30 years ago was the initiative of James Mancham who was then Chief Minister of the British Colony of the Seychelles.

Mr. James Mancham writes that the decision by President James Michel of the Seychelles to give Alain St.Ange (CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board and eTurboNews ambassador) the go-ahead with the Victoria 2011 Carnival certainly reflects a desire from both President Michel and St.Ange to go down in Seychelles history as men of “grandeur d’esprit.” Mr. Mancham said that his magazine, VIOAS, commits itself to play an active role in the promotion and support of the Seychelles Carnival 2011.


About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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