Rhino Fund Uganda celebrates new birth

Rhino Fund Uganda celebrates new birth
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Rhino Fund Uganda (RFU)is proud to announce the birth of a healthy female calf on Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary on 2nd August Mother Laloyo & baby  Rhoda are both doing well reports Angie Grenade RFU Executive Director.

Rhoda is named by an American couple living in Gulu, northern Uganda under the fundraising sponsorship initiative ,’Name a baby Rhino’ that aims to raise funds for ranger operation in the sanctuary.
Mother Laloyo was born on Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary on 15 January 2012.  This is her second calf.  Her first calf was also a female named Madam , born on 26 August 2017.  Rhoda’s Father is a 20-year-old Male Moja who was one of the original 6 and he comes from Kenya.  This birth is birth number 26 on the sanctuary bringing the total number of rhino on the sanctuary to 31.  One 5-year-old male died on the sanctuary in 2015 from a broken leg.
Angie adds that Rhino Fund is expecting another 2 births during 2020.  One from 20-year-old Bella and one from 7-year-old Uhuru.
This near-threatened subspecies of White Rhino, the southern white Rhino were reintroduced in the country in 1997 following the extinction of the lesser Northern White Rhino in the country in 1983.
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary recently reopened to visitors under new Standard Operating Procedures in line with COVID 19 social distancing guidelines.

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Tony Ofungi - eTN Uganda

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