Renewed fighting destroys hopes for tourism recovery in Madagascar

The rival political factions in

The rival political factions in Madagascar last week again used force and opened fire on each other in Antananarivo, the capital of the island country. Regime leader, Rajoelina, in power since early 2009, has on many occasions fooled missions of the African Union and snubbed reconciliatory efforts led by the former President of Mozambique, Joaquim Chissano, first feigning to accept agreed negotiated positions but upon his return to his lair reneging promptly on the commitments made in the meetings.

Madagascar has been put under sanctions by the African Union and excluded from all continental and regional meetings and committees but to little avail as far as the illegitimate regime has been seeking support from other radicals around the globe. SADC, the Southern African Development Cooperation, has also slapped sanctions against the regime, with equally little effect.

Meanwhile, contacts on the island have expressed their dismay that the latest fighting about regime security personnel reportedly opening fire first on several hundred protesters, will stifle any little sign of recovery for the country’s tourism industry on which the island’s economy in the past heavily relied, before the political squabbles and the coup of last year brought a constant stream of visitors to a near standstill.

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Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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