New York City Tops World’s Priciest Most Visited Cities List

New York City Tops World's Priciest Most Visited Cities List
New York City Tops World's Priciest Most Visited Cities List
Written by Harry Johnson

Opting for a short-haul city break presents an excellent opportunity for prospective holidaymakers who wish to explore new destinations while keeping their expenses in check.

Given the significant increase in the cost of living in numerous countries in recent years, there is still a desire among many individuals to travel abroad for a vacation, albeit with a reduced budget. Opting for a short-haul city break presents an excellent opportunity for prospective holidaymakers who wish to explore new destinations while keeping their expenses in check. New study offers valuable insights into the preferred cities people wish to visit, with Europe emerging as the dominant choice, while also highlighting the affordable options that won’t strain one’s finances.

According to a recent study, New York City is the most expensive among the top ten most visited cities in the world, with an average cost of $687 per person for a one-night city break.

Travel industry analysts conducted research to determine which of these cities offer the best value for a one-night stay per person. This was done by analyzing the median room rate in a mid-range hotel, the average prices of meals at budget restaurants, the average expenditure on alcoholic beverages, local transportation costs, and tips and gratuities. Subsequently, the total cost was calculated and the cities were ranked accordingly.

New York – total cost: $687

New York City, the priciest among the most popular tourist destinations, demands a hefty sum of $687 per person for a single night’s stay. The metropolis boasts the highest rates for mid-range double occupancy rooms, charging $350 for just one night. Additionally, it offers the most expensive entertainment options, with an average daily expenditure of $180 per person.

Paris – total cost: $557

Paris, the capital of France, secures the second position in the ranking, where a single night’s accommodation amounts to a total of $557 per individual. Additionally, Paris boasts the second highest expenditure on entertainment, with an average daily spending of $84 per person.

Dubai – total cost: $465

Dubai ranks as the third most costly renowned city, where a single night’s stay amounts to a total of $465 per individual. Among the mid-range double occupancy rooms, this UAE city holds the second spot for being the most expensive, with an average cost of $340 for a one-night stay.

London – total cost: $461

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, stands as the fourth most expensive city globally, where the expenditure for a single night’s accommodation amounts to $461 per individual. Moreover, London boasts the distinction of offering the third most affordable alcoholic beverages, with an average expenditure of $27 per person during a one-night excursion.

Rome – total cost: $383

Rome, the capital of Italy, ranks as the fifth most expensive city to visit, with an overnight stay costing a total of $383 per person. Additionally, it is the third most costly city in terms of food, where three meals from a budget restaurant amount to $51.

The other metropolitan areas that completed the top ten most visited cities in the world list were:

Amsterdam – total cost: $374

Barcelona – total cost: $340

Tokyo – total cost: $338

Madrid – total cost: $298

Berlin – total cost: $266

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About the author

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson has been the assignment editor for eTurboNews for mroe than 20 years. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is originally from Europe. He enjoys writing and covering the news.

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