More ferries for Uganda lakes and rivers

UGANDA (eTN)- Uganda’s Ministry of Transport has confirmed the acquisition of three additional ferries to provide for safe river and lake crossings at select points across the country.

UGANDA (eTN)- Uganda’s Ministry of Transport has confirmed the acquisition of three additional ferries to provide for safe river and lake crossings at select points across the country. The ministry current operates 6 ferries, facilitating traffic between the mainland and islands on Lake Victoria but also used to cross in particular the Nile at select places where no bridges are available. The estimated cost for each of the new ferries was quoted at approximately 6 billion Uganda shillings or slightly over US$2 million each.

One of the new ferries, presently being assembled, will be deployed on Lake Kyoga while the two others will be stationed along the River Nile in Kamuli and near Adjumani. The first of the new ferries is expected to be commissioned this month already.
Some of the most important ferry links in Uganda are on Lake Victoria to the Ssese Islands from Port Bell, Entebbe, or Bukakata near Masaka and the Pakuba ferry across the Nile in Murchisons Falls National Park.

About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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