Keeping Supply Chains Reliably Strong Amidst Pandemic Shortage Fears

A HOLD FreeRelease 4 | eTurboNews | eTN
Written by Linda Hohnholz

Whole Brain Consulting (WBC) underscored the urgent series of continuing global food supply shortages and rising food prices, noting the systemic breakdown in the supply chain due to the pandemic, lack of workers, and congestion at ports of entry.

WBC will be discussing these and other critical supply chain issues – along with how to avoid future pitfalls – as part of an upcoming virtual event, scheduled for Thursday, January 27 at 1 p.m. EST. Founded by Top 100 Business Leader, Brandon Hernandez, and manufacturing consultant/author William Madden, Ph.D., WBC is an outsourced operations firm that specializes in the food, beverage, and consumer products industry. Those interested in attending “The Supply Chain Pain Train” presentation are asked to register online now.  

“At this point, a wide variety of food and beverage companies are experiencing an unprecedented number of challenges,” said Brandon Hernandez. “All part of a complicated series of events beginning with the pandemic of 2019, which has had a catastrophic domino effect since. And it’s not going away anytime soon. But we see reasons for hope, and we’re advising our clients to remain calm, steady, and focused. These events have pulled back the curtain to expose everyone’s supply chain vulnerabilities, and many are now discovering what operating managers have always known: if your supply chain is not forged with sturdy, stable relationship links, it is bound to break when you need it most. So experience with forging these links – logistics, qualifying unvetted suppliers, etc. – is absolutely crucial. That’s what we can offer.”

Accessing the Continuum of Successful Relationships

“We see companies as comprised of a series of intricate connections, like the corpus collosum that connects the two halves of the human brain,” said William Madden. “And that’s been the inspiration behind our recent rebranding and logo change because it perfectly symbolizes what we do here at Whole Brain Consulting. Whether it’s food safety and regulatory compliance, contract manufacturing strategies, R&D, or any aspect of operations – we’re the connective tissue that nets all of those important relationships together, helping companies run smoothly and much more efficiently. That has never been more important than now.”

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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