Jordan: A destination for leisure and wellness

For at least 2000 years ago, The Dead Sea have been known as a unique combination of climatic conditions and elements; sun, water, mud and air.

For at least 2000 years ago, The Dead Sea have been known as a unique combination of climatic conditions and elements; sun, water, mud and air. Proved to offer excellent natural treatments for a range of chronic ailments such as psoriasis, vitiligo and psoriatic arthritis. In addition for respiratory conditions as well for other ailments such as arthritis, hypertension, Parkinson’s diseases and some eye problems and respiratory difficulties.

The leading attraction at the Dead Sea is the warm and the super salty water which is ten times that sea water, rich in chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, bromine and others, all makes you float on your back while soaking up the water’s healthy minerals along with gently diffused rays of the Jordanian sun.

Due to the high barometric pressure, the air around the Dead Sea is around eight per cent richer in Oxygen than at sea level.

The Dead Sea, is over 400 meters (1312 ft) below sea level, makes it the lowest point on the earth, receive water from few rivers, including the Jordan River. As water has no way to go, it evaporates leaving behind a rich, cocktail of salts and minerals that supply medicine with some of its finest products. The Dead Sea’s laboratories produce a range of facial mud masks, bath salts, shampoos, hand creams, face washes, soaps and sun protection creams.

Dead Sea therapies are so highly regarded by some EU countries, including Germany, that long-stays in the area are available courtesy of their health insurance plans.

The excellent roads that connects the Dead Sea to the capital Amman, Madaba and Aqaba, the 5 stars chain of world class luxury hotels that provide superlative accommodation, spa and fitness facilities with a wide range of treatments, as well archaeological and spiritual discoveries make the Dead Sea region attractive to international visitors. This is the place where God first spoke to Man. It is the Holy Land where God gave his Ten Commandments to Moses. In the book of Genesis, God refers to the Jordan River that feed the Dead Sea, as the “Garden of the Lord.”

The mineral hot freshwater springs of Hammamat Ma’in which is close to the Dead Sea , located south west of Madaba obtain high concentrations of minerals and hydrogen sulfide, descend from the rocks above to form natural thermal pools makes it a wonderful, naturally warm bath.

The Evason Ma’in hot spring and Six Senses Spa offers Indoor and natural outdoor hot pools a swimming pool and a host of excellent therapeutic and massage services.

Petra, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and most valuable treasure tourist attraction. It’s a unique city, carved into the cheer rock face, by the Nabataeans who settled here more than 2000 years ago. Petra was an important junction for the Silk Road.

Entrance to Petra is through the Siq, a narrow gorge which is flanked on either side by soaring, 80 meter high cliffs. The colors and formations of the rocks are wonderful. As you reach the end of the Siq you will catch your first glimpse of Al-Khazneh (the treasury).

Petra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it’s well known around the world, where some tourists make a pray to God that they had the chance to see Petra. Here in Petra, and near by in Wadi Musa, a world class hotels offer every opportunity to relax including spas, health centres and hammams all using Dead Sea products that leaving you feel relaxed and ready for another day in Jordan.

Special services can be offered for elderly and / or handicapped people.

Wadi Rum provides another restorative experience. Here, amid the stupendous cliff, canyons and endless deserts, life takes on a different perspective.

To really discover the secrets of Wadi Rum, nothing beats hiking or walking, however, transportation with Camel or 4×4 is available. Rock climbing is a popular activity, where visitors come from all over the world to tackle Wadi Rum.

Far away from the stresses of modern day living, a night or two camping under the stars in a Bedouin tent can do wonders for your overall outlook on life.

Aqaba, is a delightful seaside resort and the perfect location for health and leisure activities. The underwater life provides the main attractions. Scuba diving, snorkeling, swimming, sailing, windsurfing, water skiing are only few of the ways to enjoy. The water is warm and weather is perfect.

Well equipped spas and fitness centers are featured in Aqaba’s leading hotels and resorts. The town of Aqaba offers visitors all manner of activities including museums, historic sights, excellent seafood and much more.

Amman the capital is the first station for visitors offers a wide range of leisure and wellness opportunities in its 5 start hotels and spas. Private gyms and sports facilities as well as clubs and sports organizations for everything from horse riding, cycling, golf, basketball and football. Water park, culture village, national park, shopping malls are spread in the city offering visitors a wide range of souvenirs to take back home.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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