GTRCMC Stands in Solidarity with Japan Amidst Earthquake Devastation

Governments, Academics Identify Tension Affecting Tourism Recovery
Written by Linda Hohnholz

The Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre (GTRCMC) Chairman and Founder, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, issued the following statement following the massive earthquake in Japan.

The Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre (GTRCMC) expresses heartfelt solidarity with the people of Japan as they grapple with the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake that has struck the Noto Peninsula. Our thoughts and sympathies are with the families who have lost loved ones and the communities affected by this tragic event.

During these challenging times, we extend our unwavering support to Japan, emphasizing our concern for the impact of this disruption on the Japanese tourism product. Japan has a rich history of resilience, and we firmly believe that the nation will bounce back even stronger from this adversity.

The GTRCMC stands ready to assist Japan in its journey to recovery and rebuilding. We believe that Japan’s resilience and determination will play a crucial role in revitalizing its tourism sector and ensuring the safety and well-being of travelers in the future.

The global tourism community should unite in providing support to Japan as it faces the challenges brought about by this devastating earthquake. We are committed to collaborating with Japan and other destinations to enhance their resilience in times of crisis and to help them emerge from adversity stronger and more resilient than ever.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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