Gloria Guevara is Fighting for Leadership in Opening Travel WTTC Style

HE Gloria Guevara

During the critical meeting, Gloria Guevara, WTTC President & CEO, said: “We have one single request: we need to see the restoration of international mobility. We need clear rules for mobility. Europe must define protocols, so it’s clear how mobility can be safely resumed within the EU, to the EU and from the EU.”

  1. 174 million jobs lost in the global travel and tourism industry
  2. . How many jobs can be brought back, how and when
  3. Vaccine and a leadership in countries to reopen borders is one of the keys WTTC is pushing.

We must replace ineffective quarantines and move from a country-based assessment to an individual-based assessment. Not entire populations are infected, and we must not treat them as such.

This is the appeal made by Gloria Guevara, head of the World Travel and Tourism Council at this month’s EU Tourism Ministers Meeting. She wants leadership from the EU to save the Travel & Tourism sector which has been left in ruin by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an interview given to the ITB Now Daily, the WTTC CEO said:

We are very optimistic. If you had asked me that question a few months ago, the answer might have been different. The reason is that last year was totally unprecedented. We estimate 174 million jobs have been impacted globally. When I say impacted, it’s a combination of people having been let go or dismissed or made redundant. We have tried to estimate how many jobs we can bring back this year, and that’s between 88 And 111 million, which is an average of 100, but we have been saying that some conditions need to be in place.

As we see the aggressive rollout of vaccines in different parts of the world, we believe it is a great part of the solution, but it’s not the only solution.

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Chief Assignment Editor

Chief Assignment editor is Oleg Siziakov

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