Dominica COVID-19 Coronavirus Official Update on the nation

Dominica COVID-19 Official Update on the nation
Dominica COVID-19 Official Update on the nation

National Epidemiologist (Ag) in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment, Dr. Shulladin Ahmed, updated the nation on Dominica COVID 19 coronavirus statistics on April 8, 2020.

The total number of cases remains at 15. The first index case has recovered and is now on home quarantine for the next 14 days. Two PCR tests were conducted on this patient in 24 hours and both of those tests were negative.

To date, a total of 306 in country PCR tests have been conducted and 291 came out as negative. There are currently 16 persons in the Government-run quarantine facility. One hundred and sixty-nine persons were discharged from the Government quarantine facility this week with strict instructions that they are to stay at home and maintain social distancing. Dr. Ahmed noted that Dominica is now at stage 3 in the transmission stage of the COVID 19 coronavirus in that transmission is through a cluster of cases. The confirmed Dominica COVID-19 coronavirus patients include 10 males and 5 females aged 18 – 83 years. All patients are hospitalized and stable.

The country has implemented the following measures in its fight against Dominica COVID-19 coronavirus:

  1. A state of emergency has been declared which includes border restrictions and curfew.
  2. Mandatory curfew from 6 pm to 6 am Mondays to Fridays.
  3. Total lockdown on weekends from 6 pm on Friday to 6 am on Monday.
  4. Total lockdown during the Easter Holiday from 6 pm on April 9, 2020 to 6 am on April 14, 2020.
  5. Essential services (financial institutions, gas stations, supermarkets) can be accessed by the  general public from 8 am to 2 pm Mondays to Fridays.

The state of emergency has been extended for an additional three months, and the curfew has also been extended for another 21 days from April 20, 2020.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz, eTN editor

Linda Hohnholz has been writing and editing articles since the start of her working career. She has applied this innate passion to such places as Hawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, the Hawaii Children's Discovery Center, and now TravelNewsGroup.

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