Court Awards Former SKAL CEO Daniella Ortego Compensation


SKAL International is the largest and oldest travel and tourism organization based in Spain. A replacement of its CEO caused controversy.

After its 2022 Annual Conference in Croatia, SKAL International replaced its CEO, Daniella Ortego and replaced her with Ana Maria Vera. Both ladies attended the conference.

This dismissal caused a division in the organization meant to do business amongst friends, resulting in a Spanish court case against SKAL at the Torremolinos-based global organization.

Pleased with the result of the court case, the former SKAL CEO told fellow SKAL members:

I have won the labor lawsuit!

Skal has been condemned to pay the maximum compensation because the judge has considered the dismissal unjustified and the lie in the arguments used! The sentence is a professional revindication for me! They have told many lies to the members, and now they will have to give explanations!

International SKAL president Juam Steta from Mexico, elected at the Croatia conference replacing Burcin Turkkan (USA), issued this statement today.

Dear Skålleagues,

Following various notes that have been published in social media, below is a fair translation of our lawyer’s E-Mail regarding the subject matter: 

At this time, it can only be said in a formal way that the sentence is not final because it is appealed and pending resolution by the TSJA (i.e., Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia-Málaga); and that while it is sub-judicial, it is not appropriate to make comments, except to categorically deny the disqualifications that Daniela Otero is making publicly.

We cannot enter the game of fighting lies and malicious comments while a case is pending judicial resolution. A sentence does not say that someone is a liar.

It only prosecutes if the termination decision is appropriate or inappropriate, which is different from saying that whoever does not obtain a verdict in their favor is a liar”.

I would also like to inform you that the maximum cost that Daniela´s dismissal would have for Skål International if we lose the case will be around € 40,000, which will come from the savings we had in 2022 (€ 27,000), and the 2023 budget allocated to the CEO (i.e., 101,000 €).

Finally, we need to remember that it was the Membership that questioned the expenses made on the Digital Transformation. That considered the project as unsuccessful during the 2021 AGA, which resulted in the audit presented during the Croatia Congress.

“Con un fuerte abrazo Skål”,

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Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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