Canada defends Saudi policy of shunning tourists who visited Israel

The Canadian government has come to the defense of Saudi Arabia, telling The Jerusalem Post that the desert kingdom’s policy of barring entry to Canadian citizens whose passports bear an Israeli visa

The Canadian government has come to the defense of Saudi Arabia, telling The Jerusalem Post that the desert kingdom’s policy of barring entry to Canadian citizens whose passports bear an Israeli visa or border stamp is “accepted practice.”

According to the Web site of Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, “Canadians have been denied entry into Saudi Arabia because their passports bore: a) an Israeli visa; b) an Israeli border stamp; or c) an Egyptian or Jordanian border stamp issued by an office bordering Israel (such a stamp would indicate the traveller entered from Israel).”

Contacted via e-mail by the Post, Department spokesman Lisa Monette was asked how the Canadian government views the Saudi policy. Monette asserted that, “it is the sole prerogative of each country or region to determine who is allowed to enter.”

When pressed further on the matter and asked if Canada had raised the issue with Saudi officials, Monette once again reiterated the right of every country to impose such rules, describing it as the “accepted practice within the international community.”

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    About the author

    Linda Hohnholz

    Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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