50 Bordeaux winegrowers at eat! BRUSSELS, drink! BORDEAUX festival for the first time

BRUSSELS, Belgium – From Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 September, wines from Bordeaux join forces with foody treats from Brussels for a rather tasty festival in the Parc de Bruxelles.

BRUSSELS, Belgium – From Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 September, wines from Bordeaux join forces with foody treats from Brussels for a rather tasty festival in the Parc de Bruxelles.

A unique opportunity to learn about the diversity of Bordeaux wines, chat with 50 winemakers and merchants from that part of the world and learn about their passion, their terroir and their wines. They will also be suggesting wine pairings for the signature dishes cooked up by 15 Brussels-based chefs who will be taking it in turns to cook in the festival’s pop-up kitchens. There are some flavoursome encounters in store in the 6 pavilions dedicated to the different wine families from Bordeaux* or at workshops at the Bordeaux Wine School. A new feature this year is a 7th pavilion: “Bordeaux Coups de cœur, la sélection belge” (Bordeaux favourites, the Belgian selection), meticulously chosen by a panel of young Belgian wine professionals.

Bordeaux, so much to discover

eat! BRUSSELS, drink! BORDEAUX gives visitors a unique opportunity to (re)discover the quality, authenticity and huge diversity of the wines of Bordeaux by meeting the men and women who produce them.

For this event, 50 winemakers and merchants will be coming to Brussels to share the history and secrets of their wine. Aficionados, most of them from family-run businesses, talented young men and women who have often travelled the world only to return to their roots to create wines in their image, experts in organic agriculture who hone their production techniques, winemakers from Belgium and beyond who have fallen in love with this incredible region… There are as many different approaches as there are wines, and this is what makes Bordeaux such a rich region.

The focus will be on the savoir-faire of Bordeaux’s winemakers, as well as the variety of soils, the microclimates and the meticulous way different varieties are blended to create sophisticated and unique wines… surprising red, white and sparkling wines that are deliciously fresh and ready to be drunk immediately at any occasion.

This year, there will be a new pavilion to introduce visitors to Bordeaux coups de cœur, la sélection belge (Bordeaux favorites, the Belgian selection). Put together for Belgium by a panel of young Belgian judges (young sommeliers, wine merchants, wine advisors and bloggers), this selection of 100 wines, available in Belgium at prices ranging from €4 to €25 will introduce consumers to the diversity and accessibility of wines from Bordeaux. eat! Brussels drink! BORDEAUX will offer a unique opportunity to discover the richness of this 2016 selection.

The Bordeaux Wine School pavilion

Once again this year, to the great delight of the general public, the Bordeaux Wine School will be present at the event, hosting workshops throughout the festival. This pavilion will allow visitors, experts and amateurs alike, to (re)discover the wines of Bordeaux and how they should be savored in a fun, original way. A “Bordeaux wine workshop” ticket included in the Wine Pass gives you entry to one workshop.


  • Aficionados, most of them from family-run businesses, talented young men and women who have often travelled the world only to return to their roots to create wines in their image, experts in organic agriculture who hone their production techniques, winemakers from Belgium and beyond who have fallen in love with this incredible region… There are as many different approaches as there are wines, and this is what makes Bordeaux such a rich region.
  • The focus will be on the savoir-faire of Bordeaux's winemakers, as well as the variety of soils, the microclimates and the meticulous way different varieties are blended to create sophisticated and unique wines… surprising red, white and sparkling wines that are deliciously fresh and ready to be drunk immediately at any occasion.
  • Put together for Belgium by a panel of young Belgian judges (young sommeliers, wine merchants, wine advisors and bloggers), this selection of 100 wines, available in Belgium at prices ranging from €4 to €25 will introduce consumers to the diversity and accessibility of wines from Bordeaux.


About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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