India Hotels in Delhi Allowed to Reopen

India Hotels in Delhi Allowed to Reopen

In a major relief to the hospitality industry, India hotels in Delhi have been allowed to open after suffering long-suffering industry lockdown due to the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Over 400,000 hotel employees will benefit from this action approved by the disaster authority.

Rajebdera Kumar, a veteran of the industry, has welcomed the move but said it was long overdue. Others have also expressed similar sentiments.

Gyms, however, are still not allowed to open, and weekly markets will open on a trial basis.

Earlier moves to open the hotels were vetoed by the Lieutenant Governor in spite of the Chief Minister being in favor of the move.

The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) held a crucial review meeting earlier today that was chaired by the Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal and attended by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal along with Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain and AIIMS Director Randeep Guleria as well as other top officials.

Although the Union government had allowed hotels, gyms, and weekly markets to open under its Unlock 3 guidelines, businesses in Delhi continued to suffer with no permit from the Governor.

Earlier this month, the Delhi government had sent at least 3 separate proposals to the Lieutenant Governor about reopening hotels and weekly markets based on the fact that the COVID-19 situation in Delhi had improved drastically. The AAP government said that COVID-19 cases had been increasing in several states and the situation is “frequently deteriorating,” but hotels, gyms, and weekly markets were allowed there. Baijal had, however, overturned the decision of the AAP dispensation saying that the capital was still in a “delicate” situation.

Delhi recorded a total of 1,374 new COVID-19 cases today, taking the national capital’s tally to 154,000. At least 12 new fatalities have been recorded in the last 24 hours.


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Anil Mathur - eTN India

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