Travelers and yoga lovers: Celebrate in Italy!

ITALY (eTN) – The Embassy of India in Rome hosted a press conference for the launch of the First International Day of Yoga.

ITALY (eTN) – The Embassy of India in Rome hosted a press conference for the launch of the First International Day of Yoga. HE Basant Gupta, Ambassaor of India in Italy, addressed an audience enhancing the importance of yoga, saying: “Last year, the General Assembly of the United Nations established that on June 21 of each year (to coincide with the summer solstice) the world will celebrate the International Day of Yoga.

The initiative was promoted by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that in his speech at the UN spoke of yoga as harmony – harmony with oneself, harmony between himself and others, harmony between themselves and their surroundings. He said, if we want a world in peace and prosperity, we have to strive for a world in which there is equilibrium and harmony between all living beings of creation. Yoga, as harmony, can be called a friend of the environment and of the surrounding climate.

The ancient Indian scriptures that speak of yoga will give three definitions – the first is a Sanskrit quote that tells us that yoga means “to expel drop by drop anxieties and concerns that oppress our minds.”

The second definition of yoga teaches us to seek perfection in our actions – trying to do everything to the best, so we can begin to approach perfection.

The third definition tells us that yoga helps us to detach ourselves from the hassles between them.

These concepts are expressed in some way in the various religions, including the Bible that expresses a similar concept which speaks to flow thoughts and problems and transform them from something that was negative into harmony.

With the support of several scientific researches, the General Assembly recognized that the practice of this thousand-years-old discipline entails a wide range of benefits, describing it as beneficial for the health of the world population. At the same time, yoga has been recognized as a highly valid tool to face every-day problems and disorders and a support for disease prevention and treatment.

The first International Yoga Day will be celebrated all over the world and will give people the opportunity to experience and get in touch with yoga, sharing knowledge through seminars, conferences, and practices.

In Italy, thanks to the dedication and cooperation of the large and multifaceted yoga community which has joined hands with the Embassy of India in Rome, a number of events have been organized to mark this unique occasion. Notable associations in Italy that will collaborate in the Indian Embassy, Rome, for organizing this important event include LOYI for Iyengar Yoga (, the International Art of Living Foundation (, Brahma Kumaris (, Ananda Europa (, Hinduist Union (, Federazione Italiana Yoga ( a union of different forms and facets of the same yoga universe. During the International Day of Yoga on June 21, vast synchronized yoga practices will be witnessed, bringing together thousands of yoga enthusiasts across the country celebrating the spirit of toga.

The days before June 21, the Embassy will open its doors to partner yoga and meditation associations in Italy, which will organize open classes for yoga enthusiasts. Every day, from June 15-20, different forms of yoga and meditation can be experienced by one and all. Renowned yoga teachers and meditation practitioners will be available for demonstrations, training and advice. The Embassy hopes that the week-long celebrations, centered on the International Day of Yoga, will not only create better awareness about yoga and meditation, but also serve to help people adopt a more holistic approach towards life, incorporating balance between their worldly and spiritual pursuits.

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Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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