Tourism Relations between Syria and South America

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad discussed Thursday with Head of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Salim Shahin cooperation relations between Syria and Brazil and the role of Syrian

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad discussed Thursday with Head of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Salim Shahin cooperation relations between Syria and Brazil and the role of Syrian expatriates in further developing them.

Talks also dealt with the importance of bolstering cooperation mechanisms in the fields of trade and industry, as well as the sectors of tourism, agriculture, investment and the cultural activities between both countries.

Mikdad emphasized the solid and deep relations between Syria and the countries of South America and the significance of enhancing cooperation with Brazil in all fields.

He also made a review of the political situation and developments in the Middle East and the Syrian attitude towards them, expressing Syria’s appreciation of Brazil and the Brazilian people for their support of the Arab rights and rejection of the Israeli policies of occupation and annexation.

For his part, Shahin asserted keenness on enhancing economic relations with Syria, voicing desire for encouraging Syrian and Brazilian businessmen to establish joint investment projects to promote the development process in both countries. He also lauded the big progress and the new investment environment he has witnessed in Syria.

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Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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