Top 5 vacation destinations for 2018

Written by Linda Hohnholz

Top 5 vacation destinations for 2018

If you’re one of the 11% of Americans spending a tax refund in 2018 on a vacation and want some inspiration for your next adventure, then maybe you’ll want to consider some of the destinations listed below. It’s never too early to organize your next well-deserved break, whether it’s thrill seeking in Costa Rica or meandering through historic streets in Portugal, start the new year by planning your next venture to see some fantastic sights and have amazing experiences.

1. Mexico

Not only does Mexico have some awesome attractions, beautiful beaches, Mayan villages and stunning desert canyons, it’s also an easy destination to travel to on a budget given the current exchange rates. If beach resorts or jungle adventures aren’t your thing, head to the city hot-spots of Merida, Mexico City or Oaxaca for culture, history and some of their mouth-watering cuisine.

2. Britain

From family holidays in the countryside to city breaks in London, enjoying a vacation without getting stressed out is easily done in the UK. Whether you choose Cornwall in the west or the Lake District in the north, its rural beauty will certainly leave a charming impression on you. City-wise, it’s not just London that is attracting tourists: Bristol, Leeds or Manchester are all firmly on the map as lively places to visit too.

3. Costa Rica

This tiny republic is possibly one of the most bio-diverse areas on our planet with such natural beauty that spans from beaches to rain forests, mangrove swamps to volcanoes. A prime eco-tourist destination you’ll have the freedom to hike through ancient rain forests or glide the waterways of Tortuguero National Park and get close to the wildlife.

4. Iceland

Sitting on top of a volcanically active hotspot, Iceland is proving to be a popular destination given the spectacular visions of the Northern Lights which are best seen in February. While you’re there, visit the renowned Blue Lagoon, Seljalandsfoss waterfall, Eyjafjallajökull volcano and the black sand at Vik beach. When you’ve explored their magical glacier and taken a dip in one of the many hots springs, explore its cosmopolitan capital, Reykjavík.

5. Portugal

This may be a small country, often overlooked in favor of Spain or Italy, but Portugal’s tourism is currently booming and shows no end to slowing down. Aside from its multicultural capital, Lisbon, its second, up and coming northern city, Porto is also gaining a reputation of vibrancy. Throw in some fabulous beaches in the Algarve, medieval castles and UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Tomar or Batalha, and a great adventure is waiting for you.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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