Tanzania Relay: Peace for tourism is a corporate social responsibility

Tanzania tour operator underscores importance of peace for tourism
Peace Run in Tanzania

Peace is a cornerstone for tourism to flourish, the participants of the just-ended Global Peace Run in Tanzania’s safari capital of Arusha, have been told.

Tanzania is a key tourism destination in the world attracting nearly 1.5 million visitors who leave behind $2.4 billion annually. This is thanks to its peace, amazing wilderness, incredible natural landscapes, and friendly people.

The Peace Run is a global torch relay where people promote peace, friendship, and harmony by passing a flaming torch from hand to hand.

In Tanzania’s safari city, the run hosted by key tour operator Mr. Andrew Malalika, the founder of Jackpot Tours and Safaris, begun at the famous Clock Tower all the way to Sheik Amri Abeid Stadium where hundreds of people and students, as well as religious and government leaders took part.

“Peace is a genesis of every success. We tour operators need peace for tourists to come and, therefore, I would like to underscore the need for all to strive to build and protect harmony,” Mr. Malalika told the audience.

He implored other tour operators across the world to do something in their respective countries to build and preserve peace as part of their corporate social responsibility

The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is organized by an international network of volunteers inspired by Sri Chinmoy’s vision of a more peaceful world.

Coordinators in each country partner locally with schools, community groups, sporting organizations, and city and state government departments to bring the run to the community as a service encouraging international friendship and understanding.

The Peace Run relay teams in each participating country are made up of runners from all walks of life who have dedicated their time and energy to bring the Run to communities around the globe.

According to Vasanti Niemz from Germany, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is a global torch relay that embodies humanity’s universal aspiration for peace.

Since its inception in 1987, the Run has traversed over 150 nations and territories and touched the lives of millions of people.

“We estimate since 1987 the torch has been carried over 395,000 miles (632,000 km). The Peace Run does not seek to raise money or highlight any political cause, but simply strives to create goodwill among peoples of all nations,” Ms. Nemz told the audience.

By passing the torch from one person to the next, the relay offers people from many nations the opportunity to express their hopes and dreams for a better brighter future.

People from all walks of life hold the symbolic torch to wish for a peaceful world.

“Passing the torch from one person to the next unites us together in our common aspiration to offer something positive to our world – together we can make a difference,” she noted.

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Adam Ihucha - eTN Tanzania

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