Taiwan Permitted to Establish Representative Office in Estonia

Written by Binayak Karki

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, and Taiwan’s economic and cultural missions abroad are frequently established under the name Taipei, not Taiwan.

The government of Estonia has approved the opening of an economic or cultural representative office in their country by Taiwan, which will be named Taipei. However, it’s important to note that Estonia maintains its commitment to the One China policy, meaning it does not officially recognize Taiwan and will not engage in political relations with the Taiwanese government.

“Just like many other European Union countries, Estonia is ready to accept the establishment of a non-diplomatic economic or cultural representation of Taipei in order to promote such relations,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Margus in a statement after a regular review of the government’s China’s policy on Thursday.

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, and Taiwan’s economic and cultural missions abroad are frequently established under the name Taipei, not Taiwan.

Estonia does not officially recognize Taiwan as a separate state and adheres to the One China policy. However, Estonia aims to enhance economic, educational, and cultural ties with Taiwan and supports its participation in global issues, like pandemic response and involvement in organizations such as the World Health Organization, which aligns with the One China policy.

The One China principle is the belief held by the Chinese Communist Party that there is only one sovereign state called China, governed by the People’s Republic of China as the legitimate authority. According to this principle, Taiwan is an integral and inseparable part of China.

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About the author

Binayak Karki

Binayak - based in Kathmandu - is an editor and author writing for eTurboNews.

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