Jim Ferguson appointed to PATA Board as Chapters Representative

SAN DIEGO, CA — PATA San Diego Chapter’s, Jim Ferguson, CTC, has been appointed to the PATA Board for 2016-2018, as PATA Chapter Representative, thru his San Diego PATA Chapter Executive Board mem

SAN DIEGO, CA — PATA San Diego Chapter’s, Jim Ferguson, CTC, has been appointed to the PATA Board for 2016-2018, as PATA Chapter Representative, thru his San Diego PATA Chapter Executive Board member role as Secretary, and his current Marketing Manager, Western Region, for PATA member, WorldBrowser. He is also an Independent Contractor travel advisor with Virtuoso member, Yorba Linda Travel.

“We are very excited to have Jim as our eyes and ears of PATA, in keeping the Chapters front-of-mind,” commented Minchie Vinje, San Diego Chapter Chairwoman, a recent attendee of the GUAM AGM, together with Chapter Administrator, Jill Powell.

Ferguson is former Director, North America PATA (2003-2007) who’s vast experience and connectivity with the North America Chapters will provide a viable voice at the PATA Board’s semi-annual Asia-Pacific meetings.

PATA Chairman, Mr. Andrew Jones, said, “on behalf of Mario Hardy, PATA CEO, we are pleased to formally confirm Ferguson’s appointment to join the PATA Board for 2016-2018. His volunteering spirit and time investment is much appreciated.

In 2005 Ferguson led a group of two dozen PATA North America Chapter members to tsunami-ravaged Thailand as part of a tourism recovery mission initiated by Sho Dozono, owner, Azumano Travel, Portland, OR.

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Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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